Thursday, May 11, 2017

Weight machines

Weight Machines are for people who want to know how much they weigh and people should make weight machines like that because it's good and it's healthy for any body.

So one time I saw this women and she explained how the weight machine not only check people weight but how taller they are and how healthy they are.

Like scales do not give the exactly the right height of a person but maybe people should make all scales more modern and the scale will show people what their height really is.

Maybe also people should create weight machine that can weight furniture and their should be a weighting machine that will tell people how much their beds really weigh.

All weighing machines should be in buildings all over the planet because it's good for people to know how much stuff weighs because so they do not caries stuff to heavy.

We need weighing machine because if we do not know our weight or how healthy we are it could b dangerous because you might not know you need to go to the doctor our not.

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