Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Climate change

The climate is changing because of air Pollution and cars are banned in Germany. They have electric cars which is good of the enviroment.

 But theirs a problem then electric cars need to be plugged and that electricity that come's from the power plant can cause air pollution.

The car need the electricity to make it work but But in the Power planet it makes and other word to say it is generate the electricity that is not good.

Scientist should make power plants good for our planet and if the power plant generates the electricity it will be good because power planets will be good for or planet. Scientist should make those outdoor machine that are good for our planet crush every stuff that is bad for hour planet and the outdoor machine can tell which things are good for our planet our not.

If anybody tries to drive or fly and airplanes that cause pollution to the air any body can get arrested because their are not following the rules and their are using stuff that is bad for our planet. It's February and it's been hot for February but I still get cold very easy.

February use to be one of the coldest mouths now it's warmer then it should be. I boy at my school today he said "It's the first day of spring." he was joking then I looked at the calendar and the first day of spring is in march 20th not today. I said not every thing he says is true.

Rocket ships can cause pollution to the air to I did not ask people I figured it out for my self because a lot of stuff we use is bad for our planet. Rockets ships and every should be good for our planet. So there might be less snow and we might not get any more snow until thousands of years in the future at the rate people are going using stuff to mes up the air.

But if people start using everything that is good for our planet then we might get snow in a year our maybe February will be as cold as it use to be.

There was a time where vehicles  and buildings where around  there was no south and north pole and Alaska use to be warm and then over time that is when the North and South pole came know I do not know exactly why the climate change there where no vehicles or factories back in those days maybe animals did something to cause the air pollution and the climate change to I do not know for sure I am just guessing

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

My art of under sea animals

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Zeke and Highdey


Monday, February 26, 2018

Art worked about Athur dressed as Huey Freeman

Do not Steal my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Rights Reserved


 Arthur in Yellow

Sunday, February 25, 2018

My drawing of People fighting

Do not Steal my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Rights Reserved

 Nick and Blink Boxing

Meka and Tisha boxing

Boy Fight Bruno Gruno,Gil Stewart,Jim Bimese and Tim Benet

Girls Fighting The girls names are Missy Fanis ,Demi Carter ,Balley Smith and Rosa Abigail

 Valery and Marisa fighting

 Jimbo and Ekreck fighting

 Kaitlina and Dani Blonds fighting

 Rocko and Socko Boxing

Monday, February 19, 2018

My art work about 3D planets

Do not Steal my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Rights Reserved



Friday, February 16, 2018

My art Work

Copy Right By Lon Stein's Movies.

 Hamish , Ziggy and Sally

Male Elephant

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Workout Persons

Well all know what a Bodybuilder is those people just try to look good and They do not left a lot of heavy weights. A Power lifters is a person that lift as many weight as they can and they are stronger in lifting weights that bodybuilders.

I made this up for a work out if you do only 10-30 push ups you are called a push up builder if you do 50-300 push ups you are called a power push upper I call those power push ups and a power  push upper is stronger in the push up the a push up builder.

And if you do 30 pull ups you are called a pull up builder and if you can do 100 pull ups you are called a power pull upper that means you are doing as many pull ups as you can.

Power push upper does as many push ups as they can. A sit up builder is a person that can only do 10-30 sit ups a power sit upper is a person that can don 100-300 sit ups.

If you can do only 10 crushes you are called a crusher builder if you do 100 crushes you are called a power crusher. A power crusher is stronger in crushes than a cushier builder.

My Art work on Married couples

Do not Steal my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Rights Reserved


Leo carry Franny

Hue carries Ally

Wicked Witches of The North and South and War Locks of the South, East and North

Life Guards Name Wawn and Mary

Fanny Friedman and Akmade Pentelton 


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

My art work of Edgar

Edgar with hair

Edgar with out hair

Cletchie and Daves father's

Gabby and her grandpa

Lepeta and Maria's mothers

The Xavant Logo in Color

The Xavant in Black and White


Ronnie The Model Woman

People inside the train


 Spike Rockers

Hamish and Sally Comic Book Page

 Qualannda and Jay

Do not Steal my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Rights Reserved

My art work of the planets

The Sun











 The Moon