And fans of the show laugh about it on TV the fans are selfish and they know not to laugh at people when they get hurt.
How would they like it if some one was laughing at them and they get hurt and if those people say "yes I love when people laugh at me when I get hurt!" but do not believe those people that says those stuff no body likes to be laughed at when they get very hurt and this show is the worst show ever.
That show should have been off television a very long time ago and it should be off TV because it's to old to be on there in plus people are hurting them selves.
This show is more Like America's most damage body videos it can hurt there body and people should take care of what God gave them not hurt it.

That is sick when They call the show funny. My father said "do you want to watch this show?" I said "no." He said "that's sad."
Today I saw the trailer the Black Devil Doll was pooping and peeing when the person in the background was not in the move that people cans see him.
He was swearing when the Black Devil Doll was making Bowel moment it was not like poop that we usually see it look like chocolate syrup.

I showed my mother this the Black Devil Doll is worst then Chucky. You Might know Chucky from the old movie Child's Play.
People want to know that why is the Black Devil Doll Worst then the white evil doll Chucky well it's this society people making black's worst then white's that is not true.