Monday, February 18, 2019

All about Nate Bango

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016-2019 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

my art of scales

Eva Piller Painting

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016-2019 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Sunday, February 17, 2019


Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016-2019 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Rainbow Toliet

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016-2019 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

 Man Man doing Pull ups

Friday, February 15, 2019

TV Cable Stuff

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016-2019 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

More Rainbow Girls and rainbow stuff

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016-2019 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

 Connie Rainbow girl

My art of rainbow stuff

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016-2019 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

My art of Rainbow Berrys

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016-2019 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

 Cupid and Lance the leprechaun

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

My Valentines day cookies


My art of toilet

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016-2019 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Gilly Vomiting

People should not show number 1 or 2 on the internet or on TV

People put pee and poop on TV and on the Internet. It is gross and they should not do that I mean they should write down about  if it has to do with science.

They put cartoons that talk about poop and pee and farts and it is not cool to do that. It grosses me out.

Why is pee yellow and poop brown well poop is dead blood cells that is what my science teacher said when I asked her. Pee is yellow because of the bile.

 It's like when you vomit yellow stuff comes out of you mouth that is how
God created our bodies.

I am not trying to be gross I am trying to say that people should not but gross stuff on TV or online. I talking about pee and poop because it has to do with science and this is called the Fantasy and science blog.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

My art

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016-2019 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

 Francis and Blake

Saturday, February 9, 2019

More Solar Systems

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016-2019 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Maya Gothins