Thursday, September 28, 2017

Testoserone and Estrogen

In the post below men usually have more testosterone then women.

Just because Men have the same gender does not mean they have the same amount of testosterone the same thing as women just because they have to same gender does not mean they have the same amount as estrogen.

Some Women have more Testosterone then other women and that means those women with more testosterone are stronger because the person will more testosterone will be stronger and if some women have a lot more testosterone then most women they do not have as much testosterone as men usually.

If some Men have more testosterone then other men that means they are stronger then the men that does not have as much testosterone.

People might not which which of the some gender as more testosterone or more estrogen. Maybe scientist will create all machine in all peoples houses of  which women have more or less testosterone if you are a woman who wants to know and the machine will tell you really that you are the most women with estrogen are testosterone.

The machine will also show any women which women has more are less testosterone and if those women have a lot or a little more testosterone if one women wants to not and really how many women have more are less testosterone then women who want to know.

The machine will really say many many women will more are less testosterone and the machine will show any body which man and women have the most testosterone or estrogen in the whole planet

So if your are a man that wants to know which man has more or less testosterone and the machine machine will really show any body which men have more estrogen are testosterone they have and the machine will show all men how who those people are and how much more estrogen and testosterone those men have compered to a man who wants to know this stuff.

The machine will say to men who want to know if other men have a lot or a little more testosterone and also the machine will say which men has more testosterone and which men have less and the machine will also tell any man how many men with more are less testosterone then every man in the whole planet.

The machine will also show people how many women have more testosterone then men and more men have more estrogen then women and the machines will tell any body really why any of those some women have more testosterone and any of those some men have more estrogen.

In Fact I think God created all Men to have more Testosterone then women because all men have testicles no woman has testicles and women have some testosterone but they testosterone comes from the ovaries.

No man can get him self pregnant because men have penises and a penis is long and it stick out. Women have a vagina and the vagina is round and it opens so there baby can come out and all women have a uterus  No Man has a uterus so that is why women can have babies.

Some women can not have babies because maybe they do not have enough   hormones to have a baby or something is wrong in there body it can be a lot of reason.

For example I saw a movie that a woman wanted to have a baby but she can because she did not have enough hormones and she was stealing another woman's biological baby.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Women and men strength

Women and men kind be stronger in different ways.

Like usually Men are stronger when women and no women is stronger then any men usually no naturally only if their body is normal that is because all women have more estrogen and all men have more testosterone.

 Usually that is Because that is the way God created them usually.

There are some women that have more testosterone then all men and their are same men that have more estrogen then all women but it's not command.

If any of hose women have more testosterone and stronger then men is because same thing is not right in they body and if any man has more estrogen then any women is because some thing is not right in their body.

Like if a man has more testosterone and if a woman has more estrogen then a man and if the work out more they would be stronger but if a man starts to work out more the man will develop muscle a lot quicker.

 Usually or naturally if women's body is normal no women can be stronger than all men or fight men if women's body's is normal.

Like lets say if any little girl that is 2-12 years old that works out more then a weak man she is not going to be stronger because any little girl does not have the kind of body weight as adult's.

 If it's any woman works out more then man the women will be stronger because they are adult but if men start to work out a lot more or not as much as women the men will develop more muscle quicker.

 I made this word called X-sene males that are women with more testosterone then men and they are stronger then all men X-sene Females are male with to much estrogen. They should be bathroom signs for X-sene males and X-sene males and under the bathroom sign it will say what do those words mean.

Some people body is not normal because something is wrong with their hormones and same peoples bodies are not normal because no body's body is prefect because the earth is not prefect

God created if women's body is normal they not as strong as men and they do not have as much testosterone. Then more testosterone a person has the more stronger they are going to be. And that is why nothing as absolute even if it should because that is the way God wanted it in my opinion.

In My opinion God made all men stronger then women not to hurt women but be the body guard's.

That is why I think most men are stronger then women because God made all women not as strong as men that is my opinion or May be God did made some women stronger and have more testosterone then men.

Or Maybe God did make some men weaker and have more estrogen then all women will out the air pollution or if there hormone's are out of wack maybe there is no reason why most men are stronger then women and some men are weaker then women are some women are stronger then all men if there body is normal.

Maybe if some women have more testosterone then men maybe it's not because there hormone's are out of wack or maybe it's no tair pollution maybe God wants to make then unique Just the same thing my man who have more estrogen then women because that is the way God wanted them to be and maybe it's as nothing to do with hormone's out of wack or air pollution.

There is no reason why God did it in my opinion it is what it is some people think there is a reason but people might not know the reason why and if there is God will tell all of us why.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Out door machines

Out door machines should be good for this planet. Out door machine will build all houses and buildings to be a lot stronger then Earth quakes and tornado's and even hurricanes and Car in the future will be a lot stronger then huge Earth Quakes and tornado's and hurricanes no matter how powerful those weathers are.

Out out machine will build all vehicles and houses to be good for this planet and to be a lot stronger then,Huge earth quakes,tornado's are even hurricane's. The out door machine will build all vehicles and buildings like that because people will create all out door machine to build houses and vehicles to be good for the  enviroment and be a lot stronger then very strong earth quakes.

 Out door machines will also cut the grass for people and people will not have to pay any body to cut the grass because the outdoor machine that is good for this planet will cut the grass for people.

Out door machines will make all buildings so no insects can gt into the houses and buildings and if people do not know if the insects are boys are girls all the out door machine will have a big scene on top of the machine and the scene will tell people if the insect are really boys or girls.

out door machines will also water any body plants if they need to be watered and out door machines will also rake the leaves for people and put it in the garbage for people.

All people have to do is type on the out door machines scene on what they like the out door machine to do and the out door machine will do gardening for people out door machine will also plant the seeds for people if they do not feel like getting dirty.

Out door machines will do all those things because people in the future will create the machines to be like that and the machines can not do all of those things by it self if a person creates the out door machines to be like that the out door machines will really do gardening.

No huge Earth Quake,Tornado or hurricanes can knock down all vehicles and building and out door machines because those things will be a lot stronger then Earth Quakes,Tornado's or hurricane's and those things that are stronger then those storms and earth quakes will not crack the earth ether.

If there is any earth quake and tornado or even hurricane's can not knock vehicles and buildings down.

For example in the future if the is a tornado blowing throw houses and earth quakes none of those thing can it can not knock down vehicles and houses because vehicles and building will be a lot more powerful.

If you are in a house if there is an earth quake the house will not shake and no house will blow up and nobody will get hurt because all houses and buildings and vehicles will be powerful compered to an huge earth quake and if their is a tornado no house are vehicle will get knock down because it will be a lot stronger then all tornado's.

Also people will allows know when an earth quake is coming because scientist will create those special kinds of camera's and the camera's can fix it self if it's broken and all machines will fix them self's if it's broken because people will create machine like that.

My drawings of Nate and my other characters

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Rights Reserved.

 5 sisters named Narean, Gabby, Lancey, Templea and Ola

4 boys named Tyrone, Amos, Auggie and Vincin

Nate Running with his boxing helmet

Nate running

Nate running younger

Nate before and after

Nate Younger and older

Monday, September 25, 2017

More images of Nate Bango

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Rights Reserved.

Nate scared

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Machines in the future building and Fixing Houses

People these days fix's house but it can be very hard for people.

In the future people will build all cars and buildings like if there is an Tornado are an earth quake and it hits the buildings and people are in there houses.

 No body will feel the building shaking of their inside the building because all buildings will be a lot more powerful then all huge earth quakes and tornado's.

These days if a tornado and a earth quake is very big the earth quake can knock all of the buildings down. These days most of the time people do not know when an earth quake is coming it usually happens when people are not expecting it.

These days all tornado and earth quakes can knock down cars and all buildings and all tornado's can blow away buildings and cars.

In the future any body will know when a huge earth quake is coming because people will have these special kid of camera's so people will know when a earth quake is coming.

In the future people will not have to build house any more because there will be out door machines that can build peoples houses.

 And the out door machine will be a lot stronger then all earth quakes and buildings so the out door machine if the person press on the i pad thing on the out door machine how they want their houses to be the out door machine all over the planet will build all building cars and houses so they can not explode or get o fire and also so no insects will get inside any bodies house.

Also the out machines will building all cars and buildings all over the planet to be a lot strong then earth quakes and tornado's so if people are in their houses in the future if theirs a huge earth quake or a tornado no body will feel the houses shaking because all building will be more powerful then the hugest earth quake on the planet.

Out door machines will also be like if a person presses on the i pad thing on the outdoor machine so the out door machine will know how people want they houses to be build and the out door machine will paint the house on what color people want those buildings to be and how people want the buildings to look like.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

My Picture nates father

Do not Steal my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Rights Reserved

Nate's Father named Harvey

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

How bosses are mean in jobs

If a boss a customer's  is mean to you at a job and they yell at their employees ever day and the employee looses it and yells back.

Any employee could get fired for yelling at their boss back and people will say " Just deal with people being mean!"

In the future hopefully if the boss yells at the employee first and the employee yells back the government will fire the boss and kick the mean customer's out of the store because the employee is working very hard and they should not be yelled at by any body.

These days if a employee yells at a boss for yelling at them first the boss could fire the employee. In the future if the boss is yelling at the employee and the employee yells back in the future they can do that because the government could fire the boss for firing,yelling or being mean to their employee's.

Lets say if you have you own business and your customer's are yelling at you and you yell at them back you can kick the mean customer's to of your business and the business person after if a customer is screaming at them the business person can keep getting new customer's that are nice because all jobs will be different.

If the employee is mean to the boss for no reason they should get fired in seconds but if the boss is mean to the employee first the boss canget fired by the law and the boss will lose a lot of money.

If a job boss ask people to do different things people want to know why but it is what it is so maybe their is no reason way bosses want people to do different stuff.

Actually in the 1960's bosses will not get in trouble by yelling and being mean to their employee's every day but these days if a boss is mean to their employee's and the employee yells back the employee can lose a lot of money and the mean boss will get more money.

These days if a boss is mean to their workers the employee can go to the court and their mean boss will get in trouble and lose a lot of money and the employee will get more money for doing the right thing but back in the 1960's it did not always work like that.

Any mean boss that treat their employee's mean and grabs them first and the employee fights back that is when the mean boss should get arrested because they have no right putting their hands on their employee's and being mean to them for no reason.

The goverment has changed because if any mean boss yells at an employee every day the can get in trouble because if they yell at the employee and the employee yells back that is why the law has changed because they know employee's are human and they can lose it some times and if the boss fre's employee's for losing it some times and if they fire them the boss can get in to big trouble and the boss has to understand that employee's lose it some time and you can not always fire them and if any boss does that they can get in trouble by the law.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

How people can not beat up every body

No body can beat up any body expect God. If people do not believe in God and the still think no body can beat up every body they might think nature puts any body down it's like nature can beat up every body to people who do not believe in God.

The reason why no body can beat up every body except God is because that is the way God wanted it so God can teach every body a lesson that no body can beat up every body that is one reason why and the second reason it is what it is and there is no reason and that is the way God wanted it.

And no body can beat up hundreds or thousands are 7 billion at the same time unless scientist will create this self defense machine.

Lets say your by your self and there is 20 are 100 people that what to attack you for no reason any body can beat them all at once if their is 20 people and only one of you.

For example lets say their is 20 people that want to hurt that one person can beat up hundreds are 20 people at the same time because they have a self defense machine.

Only use the self defense machine if people are trying to hurt you not hurting others for no reason. No body by them selves can beat up thousands are 7 billions of people at the same time unless they have the self defense machine and if one of those people touch it or try to steal it the self defense machine will shock people if is not theirs.

This is how the self defense machine works you type in your name and the self defense machine will have a picture how you really look in real life.

And any body will have a self defense machines and those machine is a lot more powerful then police machine guns.

Lets say the police are messing with people for no reason even if the police have more weapons the self defense machine will be a lot more powerful the all of the police officers weapons if the police try to take police self defense machine away the police can get very hurt.

Monday, September 11, 2017

My drawings

Romeo Donald before and After

Nate before and After

Nate punching bag

Nate with his mother Gigi and his sister Patty

 Do not Steal my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Rights Reserved

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Food spoiling

It's not good if food spoils. Lets say if you are going into a store and you see any meat growing stuff on it do not buy it.

If eggs are old you can tell by read the date but if it has no date on it people do not know if it's spoiled.

Maybe scientist should create a machine thing so they can look inside the egg shell to see if it's spoiled are not.

Scientist should machines create all machine to look inside all egg shell and all cereal boxes are any food with boxes and if they do of have a date on it.

 The store machine will tell any body if the eggs inside the shell and any food inside boxes will be still good and any body will know because all stores in the whole planet will have machine that can tell people witch foods are really spoiled if any food does not have a date on them.

 Lets say you see a gallon of milk caterer starts blowing up very big and it starts smelling very bad no body should get it and if any food starts grown stuff and smelling bad do not buy it.

Lets say you are cooking a turkey you have to clean it over night and you have to set the oven at a centered time and cook it at a centered hour " I told my Culinary arts teacher that you have to cook the turkey for 6 hours."

He said "No it can be four hours okay get the six hours out of your head cook it a 160 degree with any meat and just because the oven say 160 does not mean the turkey is 160 if it's 160 you can eat it."

I my opinion 160 is to low to cook the turkey and you have to cook the turkey at 360 degrees and let the turkey in the middle be 160 that is when any body can eat it.

  And in the refrigerator you have to put thing in a centered place for example if you put meat or chicken on top of grape and any fruit that can make people very sick because that Juice that can dip on the fruit has a lot of horrible bacteria and it can make any body very sick or even worst die.

Before and after we cooked we should always clean the tables because before you cook or bake there can be bad germ on the table should we always have to clean or even after you cook you have to clean because the food that you handle can have salmonella and people even if the touch it with there hand and might now know the counter is clean and the have to wash their hand right away because if they do not they can get very sick very quick.

I heard people eat rough eggs all these years and they serve but not for long because there no body body's are made to eat rough stuff not rough stuff because that is the way God created any body inside there bodies to be salmonella is at very bad and very strong powerful poisoning bactria that can kill people.

I saw a man on Youtube slash rotten milk all over his body first of all no body should do that because they can get sick probably and rotten milk has a lot of bad bacteria. When it comes to rotten food no body should not mess with very food food no body should be mess with any thing and any body.

Thursday, September 7, 2017


This is what I saw on Amazon on of my favorite shows on Nickelodeon has a new episode called episode 6.

Also Amazon that has not been on TV yet also episode 7 has not aired on TV yet but the thing is yesterday I went to Youtube because they was no buy or play button on the episode it's just blank.

Then I went to Youtube and I saw episode 7 we had to pay $2.99 and now it says today $14.99. I do not know want people are doing but there are going to stop right now!

My mother had said "that is not good it's like Nickelodeon is like stilling peoples money that is why the are making the episode more expensive and that is why those people that work for Nickelodeon or Amazon so the can make child keep begging there parents." If Amazon and Nickelodeon does that they should not been on the internet any more.

I saw the episode 6 and the older episodes that already aired on TV people need to buy those episodes for only $1.99. The 7 episode first yesterday it was cheaper then today what they are going to make it even more expensive.

 My mom also said " It could just but the person that copied the episode and that is illegal and they should not be on the internet anymore ether.

Infact if I had a thing similar to Amazon it will be free for any body to watch and also movie theaters in the future should be free for any body to watch.

I will make this internet person browser that is when other bowers like Nickelodeon and Amazon
have a new episode that is cheaper at first then the days after it will be very expensive that is like still peoples money and if a person copies the episode from Nickelodeon and put it on the internet it will go to the internet prison to.

The internet prison also does if there is sick picture and videos on the internet and if it's about killing people cutting people open into pieces and burning people with fire.

 If any person put that on the internet it will all go to the internet prison browser.

 And if people click on the prison browser it will not work because there are thing that are very sick and even if the first person created they can not get into it ether because it has sick stuff and not nice stuff.

The prison browser also knows when a picture is sick and it will put all of the sick pictures and videos into the browser with out me clicking and dragging it into the browser.

That is because I will program it to do that it can not do it on it's own unless I created it to but like that.

 And also it will be created so if any body clicks on the prison browser no body can good into it.

Saturday, September 2, 2017


Do not Steal my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Rights Reserved

Broken and whole heart


Friday, September 1, 2017

My Art Work of bathrooms

Do not Steal my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Rights Reserved

 Girls Bathroom

Boys Bathroom

Bathrooms in the hall way

Laundry mat 

Create new stuff like spray and using Face book

If you spray stuff with different chemical it will no be good because it will make this new chemical that is bad for people My mother said some thing like that.

Maybe people can spray stuff will different chemicals because it will be good for people to breath in and that is because spray will be created different.

Lets talk about Face Book Now if you type in something and you post it you can not created your mistakes because it's already posted. In the future if you press the post button and you made a mistake you click the button that says fix's and you can fix's you mistake on your face Book Post.

If you forgot you use face book and your blog their should be video that can show people how your really use Face Book and there blogs

And no body should make sick videos and put sick picture online. One time I saw a Vagina with Teeth inside of the Vagina and it's  the most sickest thing I ever seen.

 May be people if they see a picture of a video that's sick and it's about people cutting open people into pieces.

 If people see that they should click on the button with the cross mark and after if the person makes the video that no body should watch they can not make people see it again because it's sick and they will click on the button do not see this video again.