If eggs are old you can tell by read the date but if it has no date on it people do not know if it's spoiled.
Maybe scientist should create a machine thing so they can look inside the egg shell to see if it's spoiled are not.
Scientist should machines create all machine to look inside all egg shell and all cereal boxes are any food with boxes and if they do of have a date on it.
The store machine will tell any body if the eggs inside the shell and any food inside boxes will be still good and any body will know because all stores in the whole planet will have machine that can tell people witch foods are really spoiled if any food does not have a date on them.
Lets say you see a gallon of milk caterer starts blowing up very big and it starts smelling very bad no body should get it and if any food starts grown stuff and smelling bad do not buy it.
Lets say you are cooking a turkey you have to clean it over night and you have to set the oven at a centered time and cook it at a centered hour " I told my Culinary arts teacher that you have to cook the turkey for 6 hours."
He said "No it can be four hours okay get the six hours out of your head cook it a 160 degree with any meat and just because the oven say 160 does not mean the turkey is 160 if it's 160 you can eat it."
I my opinion 160 is to low to cook the turkey and you have to cook the turkey at 360 degrees and let the turkey in the middle be 160 that is when any body can eat it.
And in the refrigerator you have to put thing in a centered place for example if you put meat or chicken on top of grape and any fruit that can make people very sick because that Juice that can dip on the fruit has a lot of horrible bacteria and it can make any body very sick or even worst die.
Before and after we cooked we should always clean the tables because before you cook or bake there can be bad germ on the table should we always have to clean or even after you cook you have to clean because the food that you handle can have salmonella and people even if the touch it with there hand and might now know the counter is clean and the have to wash their hand right away because if they do not they can get very sick very quick.
I heard people eat rough eggs all these years and they serve but not for long because there no body body's are made to eat rough stuff not rough stuff because that is the way God created any body inside there bodies to be salmonella is at very bad and very strong powerful poisoning bactria that can kill people.
I saw a man on Youtube slash rotten milk all over his body first of all no body should do that because they can get sick probably and rotten milk has a lot of bad bacteria. When it comes to rotten food no body should not mess with very food food no body should be mess with any thing and any body.
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