Thursday, September 7, 2017


This is what I saw on Amazon on of my favorite shows on Nickelodeon has a new episode called episode 6.

Also Amazon that has not been on TV yet also episode 7 has not aired on TV yet but the thing is yesterday I went to Youtube because they was no buy or play button on the episode it's just blank.

Then I went to Youtube and I saw episode 7 we had to pay $2.99 and now it says today $14.99. I do not know want people are doing but there are going to stop right now!

My mother had said "that is not good it's like Nickelodeon is like stilling peoples money that is why the are making the episode more expensive and that is why those people that work for Nickelodeon or Amazon so the can make child keep begging there parents." If Amazon and Nickelodeon does that they should not been on the internet any more.

I saw the episode 6 and the older episodes that already aired on TV people need to buy those episodes for only $1.99. The 7 episode first yesterday it was cheaper then today what they are going to make it even more expensive.

 My mom also said " It could just but the person that copied the episode and that is illegal and they should not be on the internet anymore ether.

Infact if I had a thing similar to Amazon it will be free for any body to watch and also movie theaters in the future should be free for any body to watch.

I will make this internet person browser that is when other bowers like Nickelodeon and Amazon
have a new episode that is cheaper at first then the days after it will be very expensive that is like still peoples money and if a person copies the episode from Nickelodeon and put it on the internet it will go to the internet prison to.

The internet prison also does if there is sick picture and videos on the internet and if it's about killing people cutting people open into pieces and burning people with fire.

 If any person put that on the internet it will all go to the internet prison browser.

 And if people click on the prison browser it will not work because there are thing that are very sick and even if the first person created they can not get into it ether because it has sick stuff and not nice stuff.

The prison browser also knows when a picture is sick and it will put all of the sick pictures and videos into the browser with out me clicking and dragging it into the browser.

That is because I will program it to do that it can not do it on it's own unless I created it to but like that.

 And also it will be created so if any body clicks on the prison browser no body can good into it.

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