Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Women and men strength

Women and men kind be stronger in different ways.

Like usually Men are stronger when women and no women is stronger then any men usually no naturally only if their body is normal that is because all women have more estrogen and all men have more testosterone.

 Usually that is Because that is the way God created them usually.

There are some women that have more testosterone then all men and their are same men that have more estrogen then all women but it's not command.

If any of hose women have more testosterone and stronger then men is because same thing is not right in they body and if any man has more estrogen then any women is because some thing is not right in their body.

Like if a man has more testosterone and if a woman has more estrogen then a man and if the work out more they would be stronger but if a man starts to work out more the man will develop muscle a lot quicker.

 Usually or naturally if women's body is normal no women can be stronger than all men or fight men if women's body's is normal.

Like lets say if any little girl that is 2-12 years old that works out more then a weak man she is not going to be stronger because any little girl does not have the kind of body weight as adult's.

 If it's any woman works out more then man the women will be stronger because they are adult but if men start to work out a lot more or not as much as women the men will develop more muscle quicker.

 I made this word called X-sene males that are women with more testosterone then men and they are stronger then all men X-sene Females are male with to much estrogen. They should be bathroom signs for X-sene males and X-sene males and under the bathroom sign it will say what do those words mean.

Some people body is not normal because something is wrong with their hormones and same peoples bodies are not normal because no body's body is prefect because the earth is not prefect

God created if women's body is normal they not as strong as men and they do not have as much testosterone. Then more testosterone a person has the more stronger they are going to be. And that is why nothing as absolute even if it should because that is the way God wanted it in my opinion.

In My opinion God made all men stronger then women not to hurt women but be the body guard's.

That is why I think most men are stronger then women because God made all women not as strong as men that is my opinion or May be God did made some women stronger and have more testosterone then men.

Or Maybe God did make some men weaker and have more estrogen then all women will out the air pollution or if there hormone's are out of wack maybe there is no reason why most men are stronger then women and some men are weaker then women are some women are stronger then all men if there body is normal.

Maybe if some women have more testosterone then men maybe it's not because there hormone's are out of wack or maybe it's no tair pollution maybe God wants to make then unique Just the same thing my man who have more estrogen then women because that is the way God wanted them to be and maybe it's as nothing to do with hormone's out of wack or air pollution.

There is no reason why God did it in my opinion it is what it is some people think there is a reason but people might not know the reason why and if there is God will tell all of us why.

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