Monday, August 31, 2020

Thursday, August 27, 2020



Greta and Jack



Pete and Helga


The Diner family


Zee and Xan


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Sun and Earth


The Collins

The Pointenboyana's

The avatar characters are actors in fantasy

 Well you know you see the avatar on TV and The Legend of Korra it show that the Avatar characters are 40 years older. They are not really 40 years older because Thee Avatar came out in 2005 and The Legend of Korra came out in 2014

Sokka and some body playing Sokka as he is 40 years older

Toph,Aang,Katara and Zuko

The people who play Toph,Aang,Katara and Zuko as they are 40 years older in the show

In the cartoons reality which is the fantasy Katara is having her first child and Korra is her cousin.

Fish that can talk in fantasy


Those fish from Nemo can talk like a human in fantasy they can breath in the water and on land because those fish have human blood

Those fish from Shark Tales can talk like a human in fantasy they can breath in the water and on land because those fish have human blood

Sponge is a talking sponge because he has a lot of human blood and human DNA and he can breath under water and air.

If SpongeBob did not have any human blood and Human DNA he will not be a talking sponge.

The insect that can talk in fantasy

 We all know that insect a smaller then people but if the insect talk like humans walk and act like human that means they have human body and those insect with human blood are human size.

This ant talks and act like a human so he is human size in fantasy because he has human blood

Miss. Spider is a human size spider because she has human blood and can talk like a human

The ants from ant bully those ants are human size ants to they have human blood and human DNA and that is why they can talk.

Bugs from Bugs Life have human DNA and Blood and they talk like human so they are human size insects.

Any insect or animal that does not talk are act like a human they are smaller then any human because they do not have human blood or DNA.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Saturday, August 15, 2020