Sunday, September 30, 2018

My art of the rainbow treats

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

My art of 3d Praying Mantis

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Power Plants and Factorys that are bad for this planet

Power Plants are factors were the cars are made and the power planets are bad for this environment.

Maybe in the future outdoor machines that are good for this planet will knock down all of the factors that are bad for this planet and the outdoor machine will build all factory's good for this planet,

In The future all power plants should be good for this planet. People will make the outdoor machines good for this planet and also build factory's and all vehicles good for this planet too. Their are vehicles that are good for this planet but the vehicles that are good for this planet are made in a factory that can make air pollution.

In the future vehicles that are good for this planets  will also be made in any factory that is good for our environment. In the olden days when people had cars they did not know the vehicles where bad for this enviroment because they did not have the kind of technology that we do know.

That is way people should building machines that can build all factory's good for this planet. In the future vehicles that are good for this planet will be cheap because people need to use stuff that is good for our planet.

Also in the future no body will use vehicles that are bad for this planet any more and if their do they could get arrested in the future because they know those car will bad bad for our planet.

Friday, September 28, 2018

My art

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.


 Al Whites

How porta Potty's and pottys will flush and make more soap in the future.

The Porta Potty in the future will flush automatically and the Porta potter will also make more soap and the porta potty will get more ingredients to make the soap.

 Lets say their is no more toilet paper in the Porta Potty or a public bath room Inside the Porta Potty or any public bathroom will have a i pad thing that you can type on.

  If you type on the porta potty i pad Toilet paper first the toilet paper will be in the store next the store machines will push all toilet paper though a tunnel and final the toilet paper will come out of the porta potty or any public bathroom wall and you can clean you self.

Also in the future Porta Potty's will make you toilet paper and the machine inside of the porta potty will make more paper towel,toilet paper and clean the whole porta potty.

Potty's that toddlers use will also flush automatically. Also any Public bathroom will make more paper towel,toilet paper and soap.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

More art of The snowmen in boxes

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

My art of solar systems in cubes

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.


My art of rainbow ice creams in boxes

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Computer Pixels

I am writing about computer pixels. The pixel are like squares on your image of you cartoon characters of example I use this art software.

Called and after I draw My characters they are pixel on my drawing image that I created.

The are some software's that has a tool the is you make you own image of your cartoon You click on the tool and it will get reed of all of the pixels on the images.

 That tool should be called un pixelation That means that tool can get reed of all of the pixel on your image on the computer.

Maybe people should create computer will no pixel like if you have an image or you own characters
it will not have any pixels and you do not have to use the un pixel tool.

There should be un pixeled water proof computer the means the water proof computer will get reed of all of the pixels of the image automatically.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

3D vs 2D Solar System

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Monday, September 24, 2018

More names that come from nature

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.


Sunday, September 23, 2018

My art of The dinner table and rainbow Ice creams in bowls

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

My art work of candy

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Friday, September 21, 2018

My art of rainbow Ice Cream

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

My art of Island

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Angles of the real Earth

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016-2018 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

My art of Earth of different angles

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016-2018 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Monday, September 17, 2018

My art of two names that come from nature and some characters

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016-2018 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Laundry Machines

A small Laundry machine you can not put to much clothes in the drier or the washing machine because it can break the machine weather it's new or old.

 House Laundry machines can not carry all of those clothes maybe people should make small and big washing machines and driers that they can carry all of those clothes and no laundry machine could break.

Also in the future you can put as many clothes in the washier and dryer if you want because washing machine and driers will be made different in the future.

Lets say you washing red and white clothes you can not mix white with the red because the white clothes will turn pink because the red dye of the clothes is hitting on to the white clothes.

For example Black clothes can not wash with white cloth because it can mess up the white clothes you have to wash the dark clothes in cold water and the white clothes in hot water.

In the future all cloth will be made different so that means in the future you can wash colored clothes together with white because the colored clothes dry will not hit the white clothes.

For example in the future even if you wash whites and reds together the red dye can not hit the white clothes because all clothes will be created different. And dark and colored Clothes can be washed in the same heat if they want.

This days you can not wash the color clothes in hot water in the future you can wash the colored clothes in any because clothes will be made different and the Fabric can not damage the clothes.

Also Bleach should be for white and colored clothes. Bleaches in the future will not whiten any colored clothes it will just get reed of dirt spots in the clothes.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Getting Pregnant

Getting Pregnant is when after a woman has sex or if her egg is fertilize.

Some women want to get pregnant really bad but they can not have a child because something is wrong in their body and some of those women steal another woman's Biological baby because they can not get pregnant.

Their are medicines that can help women that can not get pregnant so they can get pregnant but it does not work for every woman because every body's body is different.

Maybe doctor should create medicine so any woman can get pregnant even if their body's are different and the medicine will not give any side effect or kill any woman.

Well take care of a baby is a lot of hard work. I wish I was a mother in my early 20's or mid 20's and Their are some girls that are teen moms.

Their was one time I wanted to be a teen mom because a girl at my old school was a teen mom. I wanted to get pregnant at 16 because I did not have a lot of friends. When woman push their baby out it hurts a lot and some woman scream and some woman do not scream. If I was pushing out a baby I will be screaming and crying.

Maybe doctors should create medicine that if any woman pushes her baby it will not hurt any woman. All women had to have sex to get pregnant except Jesus's mother because that is the way God wanted it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

My art

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016-2018 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Nature Names

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Violet Means blue flower

 Daisy means yellow and white flower

My characters that have names from nature

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

 Rocky and Moon

 Ocean and Sandy


Fuschia and Pearl


Monday, September 10, 2018

More art

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.