Friday, September 14, 2018

Laundry Machines

A small Laundry machine you can not put to much clothes in the drier or the washing machine because it can break the machine weather it's new or old.

 House Laundry machines can not carry all of those clothes maybe people should make small and big washing machines and driers that they can carry all of those clothes and no laundry machine could break.

Also in the future you can put as many clothes in the washier and dryer if you want because washing machine and driers will be made different in the future.

Lets say you washing red and white clothes you can not mix white with the red because the white clothes will turn pink because the red dye of the clothes is hitting on to the white clothes.

For example Black clothes can not wash with white cloth because it can mess up the white clothes you have to wash the dark clothes in cold water and the white clothes in hot water.

In the future all cloth will be made different so that means in the future you can wash colored clothes together with white because the colored clothes dry will not hit the white clothes.

For example in the future even if you wash whites and reds together the red dye can not hit the white clothes because all clothes will be created different. And dark and colored Clothes can be washed in the same heat if they want.

This days you can not wash the color clothes in hot water in the future you can wash the colored clothes in any because clothes will be made different and the Fabric can not damage the clothes.

Also Bleach should be for white and colored clothes. Bleaches in the future will not whiten any colored clothes it will just get reed of dirt spots in the clothes.

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