Thursday, September 13, 2018

Getting Pregnant

Getting Pregnant is when after a woman has sex or if her egg is fertilize.

Some women want to get pregnant really bad but they can not have a child because something is wrong in their body and some of those women steal another woman's Biological baby because they can not get pregnant.

Their are medicines that can help women that can not get pregnant so they can get pregnant but it does not work for every woman because every body's body is different.

Maybe doctor should create medicine so any woman can get pregnant even if their body's are different and the medicine will not give any side effect or kill any woman.

Well take care of a baby is a lot of hard work. I wish I was a mother in my early 20's or mid 20's and Their are some girls that are teen moms.

Their was one time I wanted to be a teen mom because a girl at my old school was a teen mom. I wanted to get pregnant at 16 because I did not have a lot of friends. When woman push their baby out it hurts a lot and some woman scream and some woman do not scream. If I was pushing out a baby I will be screaming and crying.

Maybe doctors should create medicine that if any woman pushes her baby it will not hurt any woman. All women had to have sex to get pregnant except Jesus's mother because that is the way God wanted it.

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