Monday, December 12, 2016

Quail Eggs

Quail eggs people in this society will say do not eat quail eggs it's disgusting just because society says that dose not mean it is true. Actually quail eggs helps fight cancer it's healthier than chicken eggs.

I thought that the yokes would be brown because the out side of the egg has brown spots. But I heard in science that all bird eggs yokes are yellow.

In my opinion all bird eggs yokes are yellow because that is wear the birds beak and the bird feet is  developed after inside the beak and the feet are developed it becomes a real bird and it has a beak and feet. Me and my father ate quail eggs today it taste like chicken eggs.

Quail eggs are my first day I tried them. People know that Quail eggs are healthier because scientist use machines and that is how they know that quail eggs are healthier.

If I have children they would watch TV and the child on the television would say " ill do not eat quail eggs if you see some one in your family do not let them eat it.

My children would agree they would say to their friend in school that my mother Lon and my grand parent her parent ate quail eggs!" Their friends would say " ill that is disgusting is saw that on TV ! "

As my children get back to they house they might say what kind of person that eats quail eggs nobody eats quail eggs and what kind of parent forces their children to eat quail eggs.

I would say if I was a parent "quail eggs are healthier than chicken eggs or cupcake or cookie also candy what ever that is sweet and just because television says that nobody eats quail eggs and say it's disgusting dose not mean it's true their is a lot of people would eat quail eggs more especially adults because they are more older and they understand more !"

And I would also say "the kind of parent that wants you to be healthy and I do not want you to be 900 pounds you can not breath !"

I know my children would say that because children are brain wash by this society and I know how children are.

Quail eggs are smaller because quail is smaller than chicken. I also read that duck eggs are richer so they are not healthier than chicken or quail eggs in my opinion but they stay fresher longer and they have a thicker shell.

In my opinion chicken eggs are not as healthy because the yoke is bigger and that is probably why people do not eat eagle eggs the more bigger the egg is the more bigger the yoke is going to be and the yoke is just fat and possibly eagle eggs are not healthier than chicken eggs.

Eagle eggs are possibly the most unhealthy eggs for a person body and the more bigger the bird is the more bigger the  eggs it's going to make.

Quail (spotted), Chicken, and Duck Eggs

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