I was going to do a video of The Loud House the nickelodeon show and we in that school put things on You Tube I did not know they put things on You Tube until the film teacher showed me.
What I remember I ask the teacher does the school put things on You Tube on of then said "no." The film teacher showed me how to put things on the internet then she or he is going to show me more how to do video.
The School uses to be called the Children's Institute I use to be at the school building where the younger school and the middle school children went to then I moved to New York Queens I did not like that school because the teachers where cursing a lot at the students first or back.
Then me and my mom I was visiting for the summer and she under stands how her good friend is now he ex boyfriend me and my mother are getting along a lot better then we use to I do not want my mom to go to jail I just want her to get some help I wanted her ex boy friend more to be locked up he was my mother boyfriend back then.
You might remember that I wrote that on my first blog because I wanted to show that to court one day.
I was not trying to make my mom feel bad or people getting in our businesses I was going to show that to the judges on television on day.
The Children's Institute is now called academy 360 and I was going to show the whole school my blogs soon put I wrote to a couple of my teachers an email what my blogs name is. I also told my teachers about my fantasy how it works only on free time not when it's work time.
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