Tuesday, February 27, 2018

My art of under sea animals

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

Zeke and Highdey



Hammer head shark




Chad and Laine with 4 boy Chad Jr, Lucas, Justin and August

 Apolla and Luno with there 6 sons Luno Jr. Muno, Jake,Brain, Ryan and Tate 
Meosha and Luke triplets that are boys name Shaver,Lucas and Luko
 Stew and Angles two boys Hamishso and Steward

Monday, November 6, 2017

Martial Arts

Martial Arts first started in 770 B.C. and before any body knew Martial arts they probably have to see animals and people fight.

For example they might just see one person that just knows punches while the other knows flips and while third third person knows kicks and while the fourth person knows how to fight with swords and sticks and the fifth person knows how to break peoples bones.

 So those people never learned how to do that they just figured it out on there own before martial arts started and that is when martial arts started.

And I heard that Grand masters says it's not a matter how big and strong a person is it's technique and in the olden times before people figure out it's what technique matters not strength is because they have to look at peoples bodies.

For example a person can be very strong and not know how to punch that good but if a person that is weaker and smaller and the know how to punch they can knock the stronger person out and people know because the have to see what people body language is and Technique is Practice.

In Ancient time when Martial Arts started they probably think the more bigger and stronger you are your going to hit harder but the have to see people first if they see a weaker person punches quick and a stronger person hits slow that is when
people figure out maybe strength does not matter it's how much the person practice in punches.

Mixed Martial Arts just started not to long ago and maybe people saw boxing that is just punch, Judo and Jiu Jitsu thoughts are more flips but probably Judo is more rougher or it could be the other way around Kick Boxing is punches and kicks just like Savate and Muay Thai, Tae kwondo is high kick's Kendo is fighting with sticks and Fencing is fighting with swords and Karate that is punches and kicks and flip but they just stay in one area and Kung Fu is moving around more.

And when people see all of those different Martial Arts and they probably said "Hey lets make the Martial Arts with all of the Martial Arts in it and we will call it mixed Martial Arts because it's mixed with every Martial art in the book."

So it's just like if you are a ballerina and you are not that strong and if and if a person is strong but they might not bee good in that dance so even if the ballerina is a lot weaker then that person that have more dancing technique.

So a person can be very strong and not know how to play Basket Ball, Foot Ball or Soccer if the weaker person does it more they will have more technique in those sports.

So it's not just Mixed Martial Arts if you practice more you have more technique it could be baking, drawing, painting,Cake decorating or any thing.

Let's say you hands can be very strong and you can't draw that good but if a person has weaker hands and they draw longer that person has more drawing technique it does not mean a person is stronger then you.

And some people know it's not strength that matters it's technique is because if you practice over and over you might great good at something know matter how strong or weak you are.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

My drawings

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.
Scorpion Dragon

 Fire Fighter
Corrections officer and Doctor
Gigi,Gilbert,Gabrel and Gabriela
Nurse Jada
The Hilton Family Peg,Yani and John
The Collins family

Saturday, October 28, 2017

My art of Halloween

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

 Cat and spooky trees
Garbage track
School bus 
Special Needs school bus
taxi cab
Xim and Nikeesha daughters Vanessa, Akeelah , Madison, Alex, Alexa  and Ninja

  Monaca and Lance with their 9 girls named Katelyn, Katie, Jen, Flicka, Templea, Franchechca, Emma, Emily and Cortnie.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Before every thing existed

Before Every thing existed there was God. No body can create God our them selves on God can create him self.

We God already existed and he did not have to create him self because that is the way God wanted it he do not just always exist out of no where.

Then God imagined the whole universe and his created the universe to become real next he imagined the earth and all of the planets where going to look like first god imagined the earth and dinosaurs then he creates the dinosaurs million years after.

 Also God created his angles and The Devil his also created The devil was one of Gods Angles the devil was suppose to be in charge of the music in Heaven until the devil choices to be bad so God create Hell for the devil's Punishment.

So then God imagined how the first people Adam and Eve on this earth where going to be 6 million years after that Adam and Eve where the first people on the earth.

Then God imagined people from the bible like Moses and who every who was in the bible 6 million years after Moses and people from the bible became real.

For example if God created real people already it will take six million more years for those people in his imagination because God wanted to worried about those people he already created.

Next he imagined more people in his mind on want time of year they want those people to be born on earth.

for example people in the 1600's-1900's where in Gods mind 6 million years before and six million years after in the date of the 1600's - 1900's those people became real people. People in 2017 were in Gods mind 6 million years before and 6 million years after real people these days are real in 2017.

All real people where in Gods imagines than all cartoons characters because real people are more important to God in a way. All real people are like the ancestors of all cartoon characters that they created even if they are not like the ancestor's of them They are a lot older in gods imagination and they do not have to be good at drawing cartoons.

The reason why I say all real people all like the Ancestor's of the cartoons because we came first and we can created cartoons and de create them to.

A real person that is a creator of they cartoon characters can de create cartoons any real person can de create some one else's cartoon only if the creator says yes.

For example lets say if a real person is a creator of all of there cartoon characters and if any real person wants to de created there cartoon the can only if the creator says yes if the creator says no then any real person should leave the creators alone.

De created means if you decided not to make the cartoon exist in 3D and 2D fantasy any more, All Cartoon characters that are 3D and 2D only exist in 3D and 2D fantasy no cartoon exist in real life yet. no 1D or stick figure cartoons exist in 3D or 2d fantasy because they are 1D or stick figure cartoon chracters and 1D cartoons do not exist in real life ether.

All real people exist in 3d and 2d fantasy first in Gods mind then all real people became real. That is the way I believe.

In real life lets say your are 19 in real life you will be 6,000,019 in fantasy because it has to be in the six million because the first people were on this earth 6 million years and 6 million years before in Gods mind no matter what year it its it will be in the 6 million's because 6 million's are the stander sign for math so no body will get confused.

So of real people want to know how long they are in fantasy they should do 6 million plus what ever what age they are in real life and any body will get the correct answer.

Monday, October 16, 2017

My drawings

Do not Steal my and my Cartoons! (c) Copyright 2016 Nzinga Lonstein Austin, All Reserved.

 The Dinner Family
Fanny and Nikki Fighting
Arthur and Walter
Arthur and Walter dressed as Riley and Huey from The Boon Docks and more images

Valerey and Misha fighting

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