In the future in my opinion scientist will make a rocket ship not melt when then go to the sun and also astronauts will have to wear a space suit.
That if they got to close to the sun they will not burn up and it has water that will not evaporate or melt they will have cold water to drink.
So scientist do not know what gender the aliens are in the future they would have cameras and they will know if the alien is a boy or a girl our if they are bigger,weaker,stronger or what ever
Like this scientist say they think they are life forms on others planets like our own in the future they with have cameras that if the earth like planets have aliens or not but now they do not know what the aliens look like because it is to far for cameras to see if they are aliens are not.
Or if people want to know what outer space look like they can not go to outer space because the black hole with suck them in the future they with make a rocket ship that the black hole can not suck people and people will come back to earth and live longer.
Like now it with take every thousands of years to get to new planets and take thousands of more years to get back to Earth any body can die if they try doing that.
in the future it will take every minute or hour to get to new planet the rocket ship will go super quick then you get to the new planet in 10 minutes so people can come back to earth 10 minutes later and see if the planet has life forms or air we can breath.
So scientist know what planets look like because they have cameras if they did not have the cameras or all this stuff they have now they would not know would other planets would look like.
Alien if they live on a planet similar to our own they will not call there planet Earth but some else. If the alien are try to look for a planet similar to there's and they find our planet they might call our planet Earth a different name even if we gave our planet the name Earth.
Like if we on Earth find there planet we might gave the planet a name even if aliens give there planet a name already.The aliens might say if they visit our planet in there own language "I"m scary to know what is living there."
If aliens have science machines they would know if our planet has live our not if it does we might hide
from the aliens because we do not know how they will treat us. Like if we went to the aliens planet they might hide from us because they do not know how earth people would treat them.
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