Planes that people fly in to travel also make this atmosphere warmer. These planes emit CO2 which contributes to global warming and pollution.
Maybe people should also invent or start making planes that don't use carbon dioxide. I wonder if electric planes can be used instead.
If the earth keeps getting warmer it would be to hot for us to live here. Furthermore, we would possibly die if it keeps on getting warmer.
The earth wouldn't have to be thousands or trillions of degrees hotter for us to die. It could just be 20 or 30 degrees hotter and that is too hot for animals or other living things.
Thank God people are starting to use electric cars a lot more.
I heard today that if all people could become vegans and stop killing animals the earth will become cooler. I my opinion we should be doing a lot more to use electric cars. Also maybe we should even explore creating electric powered ships. For now I feel all people should stop using planes that emit Carbon Dioxide.

You know people say mother Earth I like to say Uncle Earth. I like this metaphor because Earth's ground is hard like a man. If people pick up rocks and throw it at someone the rock is very hard the Earth and The moon has more hard objects then the sun.
And the moon is hard like a man because scientist say the moon is rock and ice. Those are hard. I say moon is the father now. The sun is not hard the heat feels soft on a person's face if it is not too hot. The Sun is soft like a woman I say mother Sun
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