Sunday, May 28, 2017

People are creating more new stuff

So in school one day I ask my teacher "do people make electric trains and boats?" My teacher said "I think they do." when I ask him "do people created electric planes now?"  He said "they are trying to  make electric planes but are the hardest to make."

Maybe people can create this machine that would build all those and people should make machine that would last for hundreds of years because this days machines do not last as long in thousands of years in the future people would start to create machines better made and have a better quality.

It's just like TV volume was not made as good and the pictures and the TV show were black and white now Television has better volume and now television picture and shows are now in color unless if the TV is broken.

In the future television would be still in color but the television shows would be brighter then ever before  and the TV would have this kind of remote to go to images and save you favorite shows so you can remember what you favorite cartoon looks like.

Like people now if they do not know were they are going. If they listen to the map in the car they still have to turn the wheels and they can  get lose because the machine map does not always tell the person the right thing and the person dose not understand what it's trying to say.

In hundred of years from now the cars would be more modern and if you want the car to turn on the machine in the car you would press the button of your car it would move for you if you want to go some were and you do not know where they are going.

The car will turn for then it will drive for you and get to the right place. Type in were you want to go and the car that is good for this planet if you want to go to the whole planet the car will have to turn into a boat or a plane. This is my opinion how the future is going to be and have a Merry Christmas how ever is seeing my blog. 

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