Sunday, May 28, 2017

The first people and how old real people now are really are in imagination

That is what I was leaned in school from my teacher in 9th and 10th grade in reality.

 The first to people on earth millions of ago was Adam and Eve 20 years before they wear still real people but new born babies up in heaven.

And millions of years before they were cartoon characters. All real people are really 6 million years old. I am 17 years old in real life in imagination land I am 6,000,017. If you are 50 in reality you would be 6,000,050 years old in fantasy.

The cartoon say in there reality that is the fantasy that real people are old then 6  million in fantasy because they are graduating real people the creators that can draw cartoons to become older.

Really a year older than two million is two million and one. Even in the future the humans people say now that people have been around for 9 million in some sentences they should still say 2 million because that is when it started in 1999 and before humans where not around yet animals were And some scientist say humans have been around 6 million years ago.

 I read just know that people been walking on the earth for 6 million years it should stay like that in some work sheets even in the future because now they say human have walked on this planet for 6 million years and year before there were no humans.

So really in fantasy I am 6 million and 17 years old if your are 90 in life you would be 6 million and 90. It says real peoples ancestors were around 6 million years just like cartoons ancestors are real people now who draw them.

Cartoon are new born to 50 years old or a lot more in fantasy in reality cartoons are not real all cartoons are less then seconds old.

That is how all real people were born in before Christ as a cartoon character in fantasy and born in real as a real person 2,000 or a little before that not to much.

And a realistic spirit is even a cartoon does not become a real person God would show you how they would look like if they became real people if you go to heaven and you been up there millions of years in reality but people would be dead.

I heard something like that on a television or a movie once when I was younger I do not remember the movie I saw but I remember I saw a movie like that.

Realistic spirit  is like this millions of years later you be come a real person on earth might think it's just strong wind in the air but it's the realistic spirits do that and some strong wind.Realistic spirits are in heaven they look like real people but they are born in heaven instead then down on this planet  they send wind down to earth so people on earth can breath.

If a real person is 10 years old in real life and 6 million and 10 in imagination life the realistic spirits would still be the same age as the real person because they are not a cartoon any more.

Dog have been on earth 32,000 years so dogs were cartoon 32,000 years ago thousand years after they became real dogs on earth.If a dog in reality is 1 year in human years and 7 in dog years in fantasy they would be 32,001 years old in human years and 32,007 years old in dog years.

Frogs have been around 190 million years ago now if a frog is five in human years and 100 in frogs year so you do 5 time 20 equals 100.

In imagination land a frog would be in human years 190 million and 5 and in frog years 190,000,100.

so now I looked on the internet that which animal was created they longest and what even animal that was created the longest by God they are going to be the animals before than they are old in imagination what ever animal was created first by God in the Animal Kingdom.

Adam and Eve where real people 6 million years ago and 20 years before they where adults on earth they where born in reality like new born babies up in heaven they still where real people 6 million before that they where cartoons.

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