Our ancestor's were on this planet for 6 million years in real life
in imagination land they would be millions of years older.Like say I am
17 in real life I would be 6,000,017 in fantasy but if I am 6 million in
reality I would be died and in fantasy I would be much older then the 6
millions if I was alive.
Lets say that human history
was stared 9 million years ago if people said that in they future their
ancestors in real life would be a lot older in imagination they would
really be a lot older.
If our descendants are 6 years real life and they became a real person and she was just born in real
life in Fantasy she will be 6 million because that is were the number is
suppose to start lets say it like this if dinosaurs were real billions
of years in the past and millions of years before that dinosaurs were
all cartoons in Gods mind.
6 millions of years
before Adam and Eve were created there were no humans just other
animals. and before they became real person 6 million years before they
were cartoon characters.
Lets says if our descendant's are 6 million years old in reality they would be older then 6 million years in imagination land.
say if people in the future say people were created 10 million years
ago our ancestor in real life would be 10 million years old and more
than 10 million in fantasy like their descendant's that's us today if we
were created and born 6 million years ago in real life we will be more
than 6 million in imagination life.
I 9 million years
in the future if our descendants are 10 years old in real life they
would be in fantasy 6,000,010. first every thing gets older. Now if you
are 90 in real life you will be 6,000,090. So that is what I believe in.
example when our ancestors like Adam and Eve when 25 years in real
life in fantasy they would really be 6,000,025. If they are in real life
6,000,025 in real life if they were still alive in fantasy they would
be old then the 6 millions.
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