Sunday, May 28, 2017

Modern stuff is on it's way

Modern stuff it's on it's way. Like tooth paste after you are eating some thing your breath smells bad again maybe people should created a tooth paste that even when a person eats their breath with smell minty and people can smell people sweet minty breath.

And People should create that kind of tooth paste and the tooth paste that makes you breath smell sweet last for a year.

 Then put the tooth paste in your mouth again and you teeth will smell fresher then ever. The tooth brushes in the future with be like a machine attach to the ceiling and the machine will brush the persons teeth for them.

 They would also have like that in schools and other building if you vomit the machine with a tooth brush attach to it and tooth paste in the machine on the bath room wall the machine would brush the students teeth for them and the student will have minty sweet breath.

After when a person sweats in school on the ceiling they would have to open the ceiling and press the button first the open the ceiling final the spray comes out and the student will smell good and their cloths will smell clean like it just came out of the washer.

 If the teacher does not want them to take a shower in the school for a year or a day. In the future the showers people do not have to turn the shower on with the handle and the water goes though  the pipe and water comes out the shower would be automatic.

Like if showers are broken the dirty water would come out and people have to fix it buy hand maybe people should do is make machines that are good for this planet.

 Outside the machine would go under the ground and fix the pipe then no dirty water will come out final clean water comes out.

 Or maybe it's a good idea if people make this machine under ground and pipe so the shower can not have dirty water coming out of it just clean.

If the sower is broken the water will still be clean but the thing is the shower water with not go down straight they would have machine to fix the shower and the shower water will go down straight it would be good as new.

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