Sunday, May 28, 2017


Imagination is a good way to be creative.  God gave us Imagination because of that like I am day dreaming About Clyde McBride my favorite nickelodeon cartoon boxing.

Maybe people should make a soft ware what ever your imagination is about you can day dream or dream in you night time sleep.

You should put those things that are attached to your computer on you head then day dream what every you want to day dream about then your own day dream that you imagine will come on you computer screen.

 If your favorite cartoons that you watch on television move in you imagination  they would move on your computer screen on soft ware in fact I want to make a soft ware like that.

And if you imagination what color they cartoon wears in you imagination it would show on you computer what the cartoon is exactly wearing if a girl cartoon in you imagination wears a pink dress and you put those computer thing on top of you head then it shows on the computer screen that it should have a girl wearing a pink dress what ever you imagine it would come up on you computer.

Then lets say I want Clyde to be in my movies I imagine him on my movies and put those computer things on my head it would show on the computer screen on soft ware what is he doing then I could ask the creator of that cartoon he might say yes because I am very creative if I make a soft ware like that.

And you do not have to acting to stress you self out you can just put those computer things on  your head that is attached to the computer think in you imagination what celebrities or cartoon you want to be in your movie.

Then it would be on you computer screen finally you could make a movie out if it. People would say are people acting on Lon Stein's movies the news would say she would say no she said she is making a soft ware that you put those computer things on you head that are good for your brain that is attached to your computer then you day dream.

And finally it will show on you computer what ever you imagination is you do not have to remember what the cartoon are the celebrity exactly looks like.

 You can just find a picture of them on the internet drag it on to you soft ware and the soft ware will help how the cartoon and the celebrity would be exactly look like and you can make a movie and you dream will come true very easy.

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