Sunday, May 28, 2017


Trains are a great way to get around places. Like if you are waiting at the train station.

 And if you see some body pushed some body else in the train tracks call the police and they would have the bad person arrested.

And my father read and show me that some one pushes some one else.

 In the train tracks and the train tried to stop but the train was stopping and it was going to quick then it killed the person.

People should create like if some one pushes then into the train tracks and they fall in the train tracks people should create an elevator thing and the person can going on it and it lefts then up and the person or people can have much longer lives.

And also engineers  should create an train if the train driver tries to stop the train and they see the person on the track the train could slow down and the train can not accidentally crash into the person.

 And the elevator thing that is attach to the train track The person has to go on the elevator thing and it picks them up and the person would have to press the green button the elevator train track thing will go up.

 In my opinion people will have those things in the future or in fact people should create those things know.

And also if the train runs over a person and the person is under the train people should also create air bags that come out of the train tracks and some thine fresh air so the person could breath when they are under the train.

The driver of the train those trains now the driver might pull something to make it stop but the thing is if the person is on the train track they could get crashed buy the train the train driver does not want to do that but it does do that.

This is why people should create train different like if an person is on the train tracks The train driver would have to pull the thing to make the train stop and the train will slow down a lot quickly the train would be slow and the person could get out of the train tracks alive.

If people make trains different the trains would be quick but if the driver pulls the thing to slow the train down the train could slow down on it's own that is how trains would be different.

 If the train driver is not pay attention and  if his does not not pull the thing to make the train go very slow it could crash the person to. And also people should create trains that are better for this planet there would be know smoke coming out of the train it would be fresh air and plants would live longer.

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