Sunday, May 28, 2017

   Science is a subject in school. And we can learn all the new things about science.
Like people want to know if theirs aliens on other planets like our own they should make a website that people can click on the planet and the can read if the planet has aliens or not.

 On the planet then they can move on to the next planet on the computer on that website.

 So I saw that science video yesterday and a man was looking at the aliens and he got hurt and he was not moving because the aliens are smart to make machines like that.

 And if they make machines like that to come to our planet the have to make machines go very quick to get to our planet.May people should make machines like it would hurt the aliens instead because to defend them selves and they do not know how the aliens will act in front of people.

Like if people that go to other planets it would take every thousands of years to get to other planets but if they have rocket ships that go very quick if they see aliens they might try to take the alien away from the other aliens to see what body parts they have.

The alien might attack us because they alien will see that we are try to take there family member away. 

Also if aliens come to our planet they might take us away to see what our body parts are and our family's will attack the aliens because to protect there family members.

Because Aliens do not know if the aliens that are living on there planet they do not know if the aliens can breath on our planet they might die. And people do not know if people can breath on other aliens planets.

They better way is they should make this website so people would know aliens would look like or what there body parts are.

Maybe we should have a machine that will type to those aliens so they do not have to take people away from our planet.

 On the machine we can just type what we want to say to those aliens they write on the machine might be English after you write click the Language button and it will show you  what language the aliens speak click on the button and the writing would look different so the aliens would understan.

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