Monday, May 22, 2017

Science stuff That god created

First it was god then he created dinosaurs in his mind six millions of years after they became real dinosaurs and the Earth became real before everything was in Gods mind.

 God was in His own mind because if he can not create him self in his own mind or for real nothing with exist it will just be pitch black.

Things will be pitch black if god never exist because that is the way he created things and he always exist because he was in his own mind.

 then 6 million years after that he became a real person then in his mind he had to thing how planets were going look like 6 million years after that they became real

The dinosaurs and the first people that were Adam and Eve were in god's imagination then 6 million years after that they became real people in heaven first the were new born babies and real people in heaven first then as they became adults that is when the became real on the Earth.

So this is my opinion how the earth was created and this is my opinion how god create stuff the way he did and he created him self to be love I know why because god just wanted to created him self good their is no reason.

for example one time people might say to God "why did you make the earth this way?" some times in life their is no reason why God wanted it like that and that is what happened

After Adam and Eve or or Ancestors Descendants were not real people yet their were in god's imagination 6 million years after the ancestor's descendants became real people and here were are today.

First all real people were born in god's fantasy then they are born in reality but God's decides when real people are really going to be born in real life and God chooses the date what the real people and what date they were really going to be born in real life.

And Now in 2017 all real peoples  descendant's are in Gods mind and 6 million of years after they will become real people if people now in 2017 will take care of the earth if they do not the earth will not last that long.

And the Cartoon that were draw and our descendant's that are in God's mind that are going to be real people until if people are not taking care of the earth our descendants in Gods and and the cartoon that we see on TV and we draw will not be cartoon any more but realistic spirits if all real people die and go to heaven or to Hel if they are bad.

A realistic spirit is when God shows any body why would their favorite cartoon, the cartoons that they create and our descendant's and god will so any body how they would really look like if they were real people.

In my opinion all real people have descendant's in there mind and in Gods mind and if we  take care of the earth good our descendants will be real people on the Earth.

First real people were not real people they were born in Gods imagination then 6 million years after they became real people.God always Existed because he can created him self and create all real people and no real people can created them self's only god can created them God is the all mighty and Powerful that is why he always existed.

People say "Who created God?"  I say Nobody created God and exactly God created God that means God Created himself. It's hard for people to understand..

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