So God had to think that he was never going to exist then there was a time he did not exist then he exist or he will exist forever. Those where God's choices that he created so he chosen to create himself to exist for ever.
So if God did not create him self He won't exist and nothing will exist so that is why I believe that God created him self to last for ever he did not just exist and pop out of no where that is the way God wanted it.
People say " Why Does God wanted it that way?" First of all who ever that ask that is none of you business second of all there is no reason why God wanted the way he wanted and third of all if there is always a reason to things life will be pretty messed up. What I mean is people will always question people and that can be disrespectful and that is way there should be no reason to some things and that is the way God wanted it.
God created his mind to be if that is the way he wanted things to be created that is the way he wanted for example if some says to you " How come you draw your cartoons like that." there is no reason. God is eternity and infinity and he always will be that is God's Age.
People say "where was God born was he born in Holly wood?" Actually God was not born on earth he was born a very long time ago like before the Earth exist and before time and time was in God's mind first then he put's it in peoples mind so everything had to be pitch black when God was born.
God also created the mouths and days way before people created them because first it was in Gods mind then when he created people mouths days and years and the days of the week God puts them in to peoples mind.
People say what day and mouth was God born and whens God's birthday. well we will not know until we get to Heaven unless if scientist created some kind of space cameras so any body can know when was God born and the modern space camera's will so people what heaven or Hell is really like on TV.
God was hear way before B.C. and on the internet people say God's birth is December 25th well that is when
Jesus Christ started that does not mean tat is God's real birthday. Maybe every day is Gods birthday because he created him self to existed for ever we never know.
God do not have to create himself he always existed because he wanted that way that what mean by himself to always existed and he didn't have to create him self.
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