Well at first he gave himself choices even that he was going to be the all mighty and powerful or he wasn't so he choices that His was going to be the all mighty and powerful.
A lot of people say " why God choice to live for ever?"
Well God had a choices they were that he always exist , or there was a time when he did not exist then he exist or he was never going to exist at all. and if he choices not to nothing will exist and it would be pretty scary do not ask me why people it is what it is.
Final God Decided how was always going to exist and create every thing what I believe God did not just pop out of no where but some people do believe that God had to make a choice that he was doing to exist or not and he chooses to exist.
Some people say "How old is God and when was he born and why does he last for ever and well will last for ever in Heaven."
People wanted to know how old is God and he has to many numbers in his age that nobody can say it correct except God because God is the all mighty and power and God has too many Numbers in his age because he is before time.
Well God created him self and he was before time so if he can not create him self nothing will exist Because God wanted it that way. People say " Why does heaven have no Plain and Hell people souls burn every day and why does Heaven and Hell last for ever why not planets?"
Heaven last for ever because God wanted it to last for ever including Hell and him self because God wanted it that way first Heaven and Hell wear in God's fantasy then Then heaven became when the Devil chooses to be bad and The devil was spouse to be in charge of the music.
God created Hell for the Devil Hell last for ever but the thing is Hell has plain and people souls burn for ever.
People want to know why God knows everything well first God give him self choices and his choices were that he was going to know everything or he wasn't or even he won't know every thing at all.
Final God decided That he was going to know every thing. So God gave his choices that he was going to be evil or good and God deiced to be good and God created him self to have a free will to before next people had a free will and there is no reason why that is the way this stuff is it is what it is.
People say "Can God always have his way?" Well he is the creator and nobody else is for example people should not get they way all the time because they are not prefect and people can choose the wrong thing for example if a child has his or her way all the time she might want the wrong thing and he or she might want to hurt people.
Well God does not always get his way because he want's any body to love each other and God first Imagined that people were going to love each other in his mind but also he gave people a free well and not ever body loves each other.
People do not question why God is prefect and no body and why some people are older or younger and why no body can beat up every body except God People y'all should be grateful that God chooses to always exist That is the way it is and we have to except it period."
People wanted to know how how is God he an Infinity that means he hear for ever and that means their are too many numbers in his age to write down on paper or try to think or say it in our heads God gets older he was a lot younger when he created the Dinosaurs but he was still before time.
And Hell and Heaven are place people want to now how long have those places been there. Heaven Infinity. Hell was created when the Devil that was named Lucifer became bad and bad people that do not believe and kills people for no reason God will put those people in Hell for a long time.
But if At first if God has a talk with bad people he will send them to Hell as a punishment and if all of those bad people.
If they turned good and they are sorry for what they did they might go to heaven and Hell might not exist any more because hell is a bad place.
And what I believe in Heaven is Infinity but Hell will be Infinity if some people still choice to do evil stuff and do not believe in God.
And it will not make any seance that God stays that same age in the past and in the future even in the past in the 1980's he was younger back then but he was still infinity that means even back then their where to many numbers in his age.
People say when is God's Birthday we will not know that until we all gets to heaven unless if scientist can try to create those machines to read a person minds after they die and the Machine will put what really heaven looks and Gods says his real age really is and like on TV.
And in the future scientist will make machines like that. And if they want to call their family member that is up in heaven science should make those special kinds of space phones that people can hear how their family members if they died and see how they are doing.
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