One time I wanted to no what are the numbers that are bigger than trillion then I look one the list of all of the number bigger than trillion.
Some of those numbers have thousands of zero's and if a person tries to type that in to their calculator.
The person might get tried and their calculator will break if they put to many numbers in the calculators.

Or numbers that have hundreds or thousands of zeros in them.
And no number will be to big or to small for the future calculators.
For example if a person press one the calculator buttons that say one.
Then press another button that says Golplex then they hit the plus sign and the person will get the correct answer.
For example the new buttons on the calculator will say Quad that means short for quadrillion.
And the button will say Quad on top of that button and the bottom of that one button will say 15 zeros.
Or if a person sees the next button that says Golplex on the top of the button and the number of zeros it has on the button.

Also The Infinity button should be on the calculator because instead of putting all of the number of the calculator people can just hit the Infinity button.
Calculators should be like that on any bodies computer or a calculator that people can put in there hands and take it to school.
Or if you wanted 1 Golplex to have different number besides zero click on the numbers that you want first then press this special buttons that say thousand or more that is on the side of the calculator so it will know how many nine's or eight's to put in the number and it will give you the correct answer.
This is my opinion how future calculators are going to be hundreds or thousands of years from now because calculators will be more modern.
The list that I have on whats bigger than trillions all of those numbers are going to be the new buttons on the calculator.
Because it would be good for people to not get tried of tying to type in thousands of zero's in their calculator.
And also there should be any infinity sign that if you want to type that in to you computer the computer.
The sign will pop up on your computer screen on the search engine of google.
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