The house machines will suck up the stuff like a vacuum cleaner.
Then it will have the door thing that opens and if you do not remember were stuff closes and how the way stuff was put the machine will remember and show you on the machine screen what you did.
House machines will also be if you punch a whole in the wall the house machines can fix it as good as new and the wall will not have any cracks it will just look like the wall when the house was a brand new house and walls and other thing in the house will look brand new.
And toilet machines will be like it will clean any bodies but with out hurt the person because the house machine can read peoples minds and bodies of how they are feeling.
There will be a screen in front of the toilet so you can see if their s any number 2 still in your but. Final the machines in the toilet will clean you but really good and if their is a lot of toilet paper or paper toilet toilets will be able to flash all of that stuff down and nothing is too much to flush the future toilets.

If a person is 900 pounds or weight a lot more then they should the house machines will pick them up and put then on to the toilets because the house machine can read whats really going on in any bodies body.
Their should be wide and big if the person is wide and big after the toilet machines can clean the person's but and the person can see what was in his but.
These future toilets will be for all over weight people if the weight 900 to thousands of pounds that is why people should create toilet that can carry all of the weight. House machines will be like cutting the persons fat off their body.
And people will not have to good to the doctor because house machines will look in side of you body and the screen will so any body whats is really going on in there body and what they are thinking about. All houses in the future will be a lot bigger in the future.
Peoples houses will be like an emergency room and machine can tell parents why their children are sick and the machine can make medicine that comes from nature.
Also house machines will clean peoples new born babies really good and give them a bath with out hurting the babies the machines can read when a new born baby needs to the bathroom and the machine can but all babies on this special kind of small toilet for babies and the toilet machine will clean babies buts.
The House machines will really show any body who there ancestors where and how there really looked like and what they were really doing in the past. Machines will also show people how heaven and God or Hell also how people really be like in heaven people will see those things before they die because machines will be more modern.
People keep always saying bad stuff whats going to happen in the future and I talk about good stuff How buildings will not break as easy and the will be build a lot stronger then buildings in 2017. And how science machine should try to make the Earth not crash into the sun and the sun will last for every science should just try but it does not mean it's going to happen.
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