Before their were clock's their wear sundial's with the shadow so people will under stand what time it was before they had letter's or number's and the clock's that's why people use clock now.
When I was younger a did not know what number was bigger than trillion's but I looked it up on the internet.
As I got a lot older the number's that are bigger than Trillion's are Quadrillion, Quintillion, Sextillion, Septillion Octillion, Nonillion, Decillion or Undecillion.
I use to ask my father "is god Quadrillion I say to my self God is much older than that or he is Centillion with 303 zero's."
In the number Quadrillion has 15 zeros' or Quintillion has 18 zero's I believe that God is much older even number's that are a lot bigger than trillion God's is before
time we do not see God I believe because God is every were not just seeing the planet Earth but out of space other new planets with Alien's that live on a planet with water that look almost the same as people on the planet Earth.
When people created drawing's they make alien's that do not have to have water in may own opinion if a planet is to cold or to hot their are no living things but if planet with liquid or h20 they are a lot of living thing's around in my own opinion living Animal's or people live on a planet with h20 or alien's live on a planet with h2o or other kind of liquid.
God has a lot of number's of his own age in my own opinion people would not know how to pronounce God's age because it's just to many number's but not for God because God is prefect at saying thing's or helping doing a lot for the human's God's knows every thing what people say or think.
In my own opinion God knows what is in your own mind he might gave us a free will but that dose not mean that he does not know human's might not know what your thinking but only God knows my father might not believe in all of those thing's that I am speaking about one time he said God gave us a free will but we are not not robot's.
I agree that my father said people make their own mind's God mite give us a free will but that does not mean that god does not know what you thinking or what you are going to do Human's do not know what is in you mind only God he knows everybody's live were they live or their own phone number.
In my own opinion God knows
what is in your own mind he mite gave us a free will but that dose not
mean that he does not know human's might not know what your thinking but
only God knows my father might not believe in all of those thing's that I
am speaking about one time he said "God gave us a free will not robot's." I agree that my father said people make their own mind's God might give us a free will but that does not mean that God does not know what your thinking or what you are going to do Human's do not know what is in you mind only God he knows everybody's live were they live or their own phone numbers. |
Googol has 100 zero's in the number and Googolplex has 100 or thousands of zero's in the number those are numbers that are a lot bigger than trillion and Googol got it's name from the website Google that browser that we use for our computer. I am going to create numbers that are bigger than trillions 1 Zillion has a million zeros and Gazillion has Billions of zeros and Queen Zillion has Trillions zero's and King Zillion has Quadrillion zero's. |
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