Saturday, March 4, 2017

The stereo Types

The Stereo types are black vs. the white parents. They make the white parents spoil there children and black parents beat there children. People know that all white or black parent do not act like this but maybe people make these stereo types like that because the see it more.

When my mother watched those videos she was laughing and she saw it for the first time after she got tired of watching the same thing. It's different people acting But the black and the white parents act the same way on people different videos.

For example Black parents slap there children with a belt and white parents giving the children what they want all the time.

So I made these videos to day that I use my doll collection dolls as the puppets and I made the White parents beat there children and the black parent spoiling there children.

I did that because I want the stereo types to be different. I called it reverse Stereo type because the stereo type they make the black parents beat there children and the white parents spoiling there children.

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