Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Buildings vs Twisters

People live in Building. But the buildings  get knocked down by the strong wing that is called a twister. Those wind's knocked down cars and building's because the wind is very strong the other name for a twister is a tornado.

I made this word up wind twister that is a third word for a twister. Our I could be wrong maybe some one else ave the twister another name and maybe I thought it by my self with out asking people because I figure out stuff on my own.

Tornado's are really powerful wind that can blow car away and other things like trees plants or stuff like that.

 Scientist should create a chemical that they put it in the soil they have to check if is good for this planet next the tornado will blow though the tree and the tree's will stay on the ground.

Tornado's happens in hot weather probably because it's not that much air in some places that is why south west cost gets tornado's.

 It's like a desert gets sand storms because it does not rain enough. Like scientist should also create buildings and car's so if a twister comes and blows throw the houses the building and cars will not blow away if those stuff gets sucked inside a tornado. And people can stay in side there houses if they want.

And those houses should be good for this planet and out door machines that are good for this planet will building those all car's and  buildings in the whole planet.

So this is my opinion that cars and building in the whole planet will be good for our planet. This whats going to happens thousand or millions for years in the future. Also I think people will have the technology to build those things in the future.

It Scientist  would be a great idea if those people can make medicine that people can not die from if a tornado comes at people they will not blow away but they were born to blow away if a tornado comes that is why scientist should make those medicine's that any body would take

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