Sunday, March 26, 2017

Creating more stuff

People should create more stuff like rocket ships will get to new planet every 15 minutes but we need new technology.

 The new technology is not going to be to some where in hundreds of years in the future. People create gas tanks to make them warm but it can explode if the gas tank is to old.

Maybe people should create other things that is like a gas tank except no house will explode because explosion can be bad for our environment. People have cameras because if they know it's good for our planet our not but it turns out fire is not good for our planet.

Like scientist should make this vacuum  that the person puts it in there mouth if they chocked on something.

The other person will have to press a button to turn the vacuum sucking machine on they if the person chocks on something they can get it out very quick and the person will see what they chocked on and they will not chock on that thing anymore final the other person will take the tube out of the person mouth.

People should make machines like that. The machine will get the thing out what ever the person was chocking on.

 A needle our anything the Vacuum chocking machine will get the need our any thing out of you throat and mouth what ever you are chocking on.

People should have those machine in all buildings including hospitals because the doctors can help more for your family if you are chocking on something and what I mean you as in any body not just one person. 

People should make machine like that because not every body will not help or do mouth to mouth when another person is chocking on something. 

Boogers it's hard for people to blow there nose so there nose will not  get stuffy any more. Scientist should make these machine that if your nose is very stuff your mother with have to put the tube in your nose press the machine button final get all of the mucus out of people's nose's.

So in snow days people have no snow if there is a lot of snow on the ground because cars can not drive over the snow scientist should make cars that can drive over the snow and there will be no more snow days those cars should be good for this planet.

People will not make these cars in hundreds of years in the future that is just may opinion how cars will be in the future and also cars will drive you to places all the person needs to do is type on where they want to go and the car will get you to the correct place.

Ground all over the planet should have padded because if a person falls off a building they will fall on the ground that is soft not that's hard .

That is how the ground will be in the future in my opinion and those padded things should be good for this planet.

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