Monday, March 20, 2017

Creating more Machines

This is how people should create Machine they should last a lot longer then these days. Machines would be if you day dreaming you should go under this machine in you house then it would show you or any body so they can know what you are day dreaming about.

So Lets Say I am day dreaming about Clyde from The Loud House and I go under this machine and the machine will show me what stuff he wears and how he sounds and how he really and exactly looks like on the show I watch.

Those people that have machine like that in there house would have to up load to my computer and it would make a movie before it goes on the internet because you would have to talk to the creator of the show.

You will make a movie on your Imagination with out using you soft ware so you do the hard work. They soft ware would be like it takes what you day dream and if the creator if the show says yes you can put it on the internet you own imagination.

Like if you day dream of how you want you cartoons to look like and you can not draw You would have to be on this special copy machine that  can see what the person is imagining about.

 Then the machine would have to up load you cartoons to the computer and you can make you own cartoons with out you doing the work it would be software that will do the work for people and imagine how you want you cartoons voices to be and it will sound the same when you day dream or if you are dreaming in a deep sleep.

If you can not draw you own characters on paper or on you can imagine how you want you characters to look or act.

 Next you or any body will have to go under this special copy machine then the copy machine will up load your imagination to you computer and those machines should not kill people it should be good and healthy for people brains. That is the way people would make machines in the future it should be good for this environment to.

People should make soap with lotion in it so when you wash you will see suds and smell clean after you take a bath you will not have to put lotion on because the body wash already has lotion in the body wash so you skin will not be dry.

Also people should create Shampoo's that cleans people hair and makes peoples hair not dry. You will not have to put stuff in you hair to make it not dry every day because people will also create shampoo's after you wash you hair you hair will not be dry until if you need to wash it again.

People should create shampoo's that gets the dirt out of they hair with out them scrubbing it but people can scrubbing if they want. People should create create shampoo's with washing, Conditioning and final grease it shampoo's should be made with mixer.

With Washing, Conditioning and Greasing. People should  also create soap that are body wash and shampoo.

Scientist should make machine that with clean babies and you other children for you people should create that it will not hurt children just clean then really good.

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