Also there should be medicine that if you have alopecia or if a person is not healthy enough to grow hair and your hair did not grow back for 30 years
If any body with Alopecia takes the health pill you hair will grow quick over night because the pill will show people how your hair should really look like if you do not grow your hair for 30 years.
This medicine is free for people who are poor and if they are not healthy enough to grow hair they should take the nature pill and there hair will grow very quick and long if they want it to be.
And its like a lot of hair is trying to grow out if you have alopecia and the health pill that comes from nature.
If any person with alopecia takes the pill and there real hair will grow out very long over night because if they have not grown there hair for years and that is how there hair should really be.

And most people that I ask do not even know the answer.
And Black peoples hair break off more then white peoples hair.
That is because Black people came from Africa and from a very hot and dry place and the sun hits there hair and that is the reason why black peoples hair is dryier.
White peoples and Asian people hair is not as hair because in the olden days the first people where black people.
And they moved to a place that they live the place that they live is Europe and that place did not have that much sun and it was colder.

If you live in America and you are black you hair will not change it will be curly still because your DNA is used to curly hair because your ancestors that happens to be more black people there hair is like that.
If you are a white or an Asian person and your are born in America your hair will still not change because there DNA is use to straighter hair because there ancestors that happen to be white or Asian have straighter hair.
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