Wednesday, July 11, 2018


We all need sun screen because it protects us from the sun with out Sun screen you can get Sun burned.

 UVA could cause people inside there body aging and wrinkles and also cancer. UVB is you just get sun burned it's outside of your body.

You can get worst sun burn in the winter on you face because one reason you body is covered and you face is not covered and The second reason is the sun reflects the snow.

I heard a truck driver left side of his face is not wrinkled and on the write side is wrinkled well that is because he is sitting close to the window and the window is on the right side and the sun reflects the window maybe scientist should create all windows in houses and car protect people from sun reflection it will be like sunscreen in a way.

Maybe people should create sun screen if you put it on it will last for you whole life. People get Tans but it's not so healthy for you.

Copper Tone sun screen was popular in the 1950's and it shows a picture of a little girl a dog pitting her pants and people thought it was cute but she was naked and had no shirt on the sun screen bottles it's the same little girl but instead her but is not showing and she has a shirt on because people thought that is more appropriate.

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