Friday, July 6, 2018

Nail Polish and make up

I did my nail Polish in the bathroom while the window close my mother said to me " That can make you have brain damage because of the chemicals." I said " Just me or any body?" My mother said "any body."

Will maybe people should create nail polish and make up that it can not give no body brain damage even if you have the window or the door close because Nail Polish will be created different.

 Also they should make Nail Polish with not a lot of chemicals and people should make nail polish and make up from nature.

In the olden days girls use to use  berries to create make up. Nail polish was first created in Nail polish originated in China as early as 3000 BC. 

The ingredients included beeswax, egg whites, gelatin, and vegetable dyes.  Raw eggs can give anybody Salmonella Poisoning.

 In Ancient Egypt, nail polish was even used to signify class rankings: The lower class often wore nude and light colors, while high society painted their nails red.

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