Saturday, July 14, 2018

Getting sick or having the Hiccups

People do not know when they would get sick or when they going to get the hiccups.

I heard children get sick easier then adults  because on of the reason is they do not know how to wash there hands good and they do not take good care of them selves as good as adults.

I also heard children can have the hiccups because there growing and When the air rushing in hits your voice box, your vocal cords close suddenly and you're left with a big hiccup

 Some things that irritate the diaphragm are eating too quickly or too much, an irritation in the stomach or the throat, or feeling nervous or excited. Almost all cases of the hiccups last only a few minutes.

That is probably why Adults get the hiccups. People do not know when there going to get sick or have the hiccups in the future they would know when there going to get sick or exactly when there going to have the hiccups because they would have machines in there house that can look whats going on inside of peoples body.

Medicines help people not to get sick maybe they should make medicines that can stop the hiccups in a second and nobody can die from it and it will be a healthy medicines.

In the future medicines will also give no body side effect because medicines will come from nature and be created different. 

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