First humans were very short 1 foot 2 inches they possibly consider them self's average height also consider a person that is 5 feet is very tall back in the olden days.
Than each year people got taller now in to 2015 the average height is five feet tall and nine feet is very tall.
The first humans their backs where hunched not straight. Years after their backs were still hunch then after
their backs got straighter they had to walk on a stick years later People
used a bigger stick final their backs are finally straight.
9 billion years later in the future people will be like badge color are be 9 feet tall. People say now that is tall and people can die when they are that tall in 9 billion years in the future it will be Different people will not die when they are 9 feet tall.
In 9 billion years in the later when people are nine feet tall they will say to them selves they are average height and say that if some one is five or six feet will be very short.
Like when one time I read in school those people looked like monkeys But now that might hurt peoples feelings really bad and also black people.
People are getting taller because females want to marries taller guys to become their boy friend or husband.
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