They did not have computers or television also i pads and i pods in slavery times.
They usually say 1809 or 1819 because scientist don't know exactly what that date was because people didn't have any technology back in the the olden days instead people had to think about what the date it was in theirs heads than figure it out next write it down on paper.
When the first people were on the planet earth they did not know what the date was at all.
The first people had to use some thing else to keep track on what day it was like the sun dial. Now people have a lot more technology and electronics now.
People say is 2015 but here's one thing they mite say it's 2015 because scientist mite say it's 2015 because they may have a type of computer that tells them the date so that's is why most people might know is the right date is 2015.
But only God knows what date it is he could speak to us up in heaven what exactly were people were really born. We do not really know what the date it could be it could be 2001,1999,2007,2008,2006,2014,2009 or 2,000 also 2018 and 2019 it could be any date.
But in five Billion years or 9 billion years possibly the scientist say the earth is going to crash into the sun some scientist say that people will be dead others will say their probable be under ground.
In my opinion I do not believe this I believe cars,trains,planes,boats,rocket,van or buses are going to get a lot faster now,
People who are in the rockets ship to go to a new planet it will take them every thousands of years to get to other planets.
But in 9 billion years in my own opinion rockets will go a lot quicker but if people are going on the the rocket ship to get to the other planets it will probable take them every a couple of hours or couple or seconds to get to new planets.

In 9 billion years in the future not just Earth will crash in to the Sun like Mercury or Venus scientist say that Mars will be kicked out of the solar system.
But in 2006 Pluto was kicked out because it was to small.
Now Mercury the smallest planet it's now Mercury is not kicked out of the Solar System probably because Mercury is closer to the sun and Pluto is to far away.
You know people made up the days of the week. Sun,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday or Sunday you Saturday comes for the planet Saturn and Monday comes from the moon so to day is Monday is also Moon day so have a happy great and the bestest Moon day today or every Monday.
Sunday comes from the Sunday and it was named after the Sun and Monday was named after the Moon and Saturday was named after Saturn.
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