If a child spills water on their parent computer the parents will get mad and their work will be lost and they will start yelling at the children.
That is why scientist should create more water proof computers like if water spills on the computer it will not get broken.
It will look like the computer that people have now except it will be made for a lot of water. I do not care how much water you spill the water proof computer is made for water.
Their should be water proof cell phones and phones these day if you drop your cell phone in the water it will get discord because it's not water proof and you will have to keep getting new cell phones.
But if you have a water proof phone and it drops in the water you can pick it up and you will not have to get a new cell phone.
Like i pads and i pods should be water proof to because if they are not and if it drop into the water it will not be good. Their should be also water proof TV's and underwater TV's and camera's so if a person wants to watch TV under water they will in the pool and if people want to film them selves under water and make a movie they will make a movie about underwater life.
If some thing like a waterproof cell phone are toys are dolls fall in the toilet will pee and poo in the toilet the house machine will clean the toys and your stuff and spray something to get reed of the poop or pee germs final you doll or any thing will be good as new because the house machines will fix the doll or any stuff that when it was brand new that is what is going to happen in the future in my opinion.
These days if you drop stuff in the toilet and theirs poop and pee inside the stuff will go into the garbage.
So this is what I would also like for my birthday a water proof computer for back up and a waterproof cell phone or i pad. Also all video games and all cars, buses and planes should be water proof to.
Planes and cars should be made for under water without people getting wet and the car and the plane should not sink and it should be good for this planet as we call Earth. I hear their is a water proof wheel chair.
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