Thursday, July 6, 2017

Bloggs and Computers

Blogs and Computer will be created different. Like these days if you delete your whole blog it will not be on the internet any more and it will not be on your desktop on you computer.

 You or any body will have to start your blog from the begging.

In the future if your blog is not on the internet any more the computer will save you whole blogs on your desktop on your computer your blog will look the same except it's not on the internet any more.

 And it will still be saved on your desk top and your desktop can not delete your whole blog on your desktop.

If you want you blog to be on the internet again you click on your blog on the desktop and put it back on the internet and your whole blog will look the same and be back on the internet again. My father said " I think we can do that because their is something that you can do that any body can if they no how to use a blog.

In the future computers will be a lot bigger and it wont just have letters and numbers on the key board it will have music notes and so much more it with also have an infinity sign on you computer were people type.

Lets say you want to type on the search engine in different languages first type in you own language first then next to the search engine click on to languages and click on to the languages you want final it will have Chinese , Korean or Japanese writing or Spanish and French or any kind of writing on the search engine of google.

Lets say you delete some thing on you computer desktop and you want it back click on something and it will be saved again on your computer desktop.

Or it's like if your delete a Youtube video and it's not on the internet any ore it will still be on your desktop and if delete you video on your desk top you can always un delete it and it will be saved on you computer and you can put it back on the internet very easy.

Or if you delete a post on you blogger you can un delete it if you click on some special kind of button and it will bring your post back with out your re writing it again

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