Friday, July 14, 2017


Teeth we have because we need to eat stuff. If you eat just candy your have to go to the dentists and they have to yank your teeth out and it hurts.

Maybe the scientist should create a health liquid that can make people teeth fall out without hurting them scientist should gave to healthy liquid to any dentist. Dentist will not have to yank people teeth out and hurt them if there are in bad shape.

Like just like if you go to a doctor it hurts to get a needle maybe doctors should create machines that will look into people whole body without hurting them and the machine will look in the persons body to see if they are healthy or not.

People in the future will not have to get needle shots in the future because they will be a TV screen that the doctors can see in side the persons body and to see if they are healthy or not.

Or if you travel to other countries any body has to get a needle shot if they go to a different country for example if your were born in The United States and you are going to Africa you have to get a shot because it has different germs there that is why these days people have to get shots if they are going to a different country in the future they would drink health machines instead of taking needle shots if any body is going to a different country.

Lets talk about teeth now cartoons character have teeth to in fantasy land if the cartoon is a new born to 6 they call them baby teeth as they get older they have teen teeth as they became a Realistic spirit or a real person on earth  they will have adult teeth if they are a new born in real life in fantasy they are 6 million on earth that is a real person that God can create in heaven they will have.

Our if a Realistic spirit or real people are 17 in reality and 6,000,017 in fantasy in fantasy the cartoons called real people teeth senior teeth and the is there permanent teeth you know why because all people real have been in God mind first.

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