Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Nate Bangos familys story

Sonya, Nate and Zoe and Nathan 

When Nate was young he wanted to learn Karate but his father left him after when he was born and Nates mother got upset with Nate's dad. Nate had a lot of angry growing up and he was bullied in school. and his mother took him to karate lessons.

Nate had long hair at first until his mother Sonya Laner showed his father pciture his father was in china for a while and his father is bald so later on Nate shaved all his hair off and he is bald now just like his dad. When his dad ome home from China Nate was so happy to see him.

Nate's sister Zoe wanted to know karate too but her mother said no girl needs to know karate. But her dad but her into Nate's karate class. with Romeo Nates cousin and some of Nates other friends.

Sonya and Nathan got into a huge argument one night Sonya said " How can you lets our daghter Zoe be in Karate with boys what if she gets hurt!"

Nathan said " Come honey the girls gotta know how to defend herself as much as she gets bullied! a lot of girl do karate not just boys stop living in the olden days!" 

Sonya said " well it's sad for girls to know karate because our body were not made for fighting that is a man thing the man has to protect the woman not the other way around."

Nathan " Well you right in a way but you worng in another because women have to be protecters too and men are not always going to protect them their are men that try to hurt women."

Sonya said " Well if that is the case let her call the police and the police will get their shortly."

Nathan said " Sonya That does not always work that way some times the cops might not get they on time if the bad guy gets away from the police."

"Well she can always take a picture on her phone." said Soyna. "What Ever !" said  Nathan.

The Next today when Nate was having Son and Father time and his father took him too karate class. Sonya and Zoe had Mother and daughter time they went to art classes, get their nails done and get their hair done.

But That did not interest Zoe.  Sonya wanted Zoe to be more lady like. Zoe is a tomboy or wants to be Zoe was also into football. Sonya said " Now Zoe Football is a boys sports you can get hurt!" Zoe said "I am strong." 

Sonya said " Yeah for a little girl your age boys are stronger than girls even Nate and your father are a lot stronger then you." 

Nate went home and Sonya said " Nate I am so proud of you doing Karate maybe you can be your sister future body guard."

"Thank you so much Mom !" siad Nate. Zoe said that mom said "Boys are stronger than girls."

Nate said " Don't think like that sister they are women who are stronger then men it depends on the person."

Soyna said " Not that many women are stronger then men unless their on steriods or if they work out a lot or even something is not right in their body. but scientfically Men are stronger then women and boys or stronger then girls it's a fact."

Nate said " I do not think it's a fact I think its a opinion. " One day your older you understand Nate." said Soyna


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