Their was a girl Named Friday and she wanted he hair straight and ever time she wanted want her hair straight her parent said no. Her cousin names Monday,Saturday and Sunday get their hair straighten but if it gets wet it goes back to curly.
The little girls saw a commerical of this white woman with blond hair with blue eyes Named Miss .Go and she said on the commerical "when you girls get your hair straightend are you tried of it curly up when it gets wet ?
Here is the new straightener that keep your hair straight and it will stay striaght for ever even when your hair gets wet it won't go back to be curly. It will stay straight even if it's wet."
After when the girls saw the commercial all the little girls wanted the special straightener even the white and asian girls wanted that straghtener.
So Friday went home and said to her mom and said " Mom all the girls in my girls are talking about this straghtner."
Friday showed her mom the commerical Friday said " Please can we get that straightener it will keep my hair straight forever even The white girls wanted that straghtener."
Friday's Mother said " First of all why do white girls want that straghter they do not need that straighter their hair is naturally straight and two you do not need it neither because those chemicals will never come out of your hair and no shampoo will get those chemical out your hair your hair is prefect curly in fact we going to but you hair in african locks."
Friday said " I do not want my hair in dreads I want my hair straighter."
Mom said well you can not always get want you want you need to be proud of your own culture.
Friday throw a tantrum and mom said "Go to your room your grounded no straghtener for you."
Friday is a black girl who is only 8 years old and and the next day Friday had not not had her locks yet but her hair was in a afro and the girls in her school have straight hair even the black girls had straight hair.
Saturday said " Hey I got the straightener of my hair and I watched the commerical and my sister and my mom got it for me on my birthday."
Friday said " My mom said I can not get it because she does not want to buy me the straightner for what ever reason.
Sunday said here you can have My straightner Friday I have two of them just do not tell your mom."
I bunch of white and asian girls said " Look at Friday she needs a relaxier." and they wear laughing at friday because she was one of the only girls in school with natural hair.
So Friday went home and said Girls are making fun of me and said I need a relaxier. Fridays Mom said and " those we balck girls that said to you."
and Friday said No Those where asian and white girls who said that to me." The mom said ohh no they do not about nothing about black hair they should keep their mouth shut ! "
Friday used sundays straghtier once and her hair become straight as a white girls hair and ever time she was in the rain our she went out side Her hair stayed straight and Friday was happy because all the girls were saying " I love your hair Friday." and they sit with her at lunch and hang out with her after school.
Fridays mom went to the commerical Name Miss .Go and Fridays Mom was like saying to Miss . Go " why are you showing young girls these commericals their brain washed by white society.
Miss . Go said I do not care if the hair chemicals is bad for them all I care about is making these little girls happy and money.
Fridays mom and Miss.Go had a huge agrument. Firdays Mom made a specicial shammpoo that will take out all of the chemicals and her daughers hair will go back to naturally curly agian. The shampoo has natural chemicals and stuff in it.
So Fridays mom made the shammpoo and Friday went home and Fridays Mom said " you asked for that stupid straighter." this is a shampoo that will take the chemicals out your hair and you hair will be naturally curly again.
Friday ran away but her mom grab her and put the shammpoo on her her and fridays hair wnet back to being naturally curly agian.
Friday mom said " I know your crying now but this is for your own good and you beautiful with your natural hair."
Friday said " But do think I was prettier with straight hair. Fridays Mom said no you beautiful with natually curly hair and I love you just the way god made you.
Friday and her mom gave each other a hug and final Friday got african locks and she started to become proud of her african culture the end.
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