Saturday, October 15, 2022

Stuff your do in your house


Examples of house work

Cleaning: Vaccum,Cleaning Laundry, washing dishes,  taking out the trash spring cleaning,scrub floors or clean bathroooms and toilets.

Cooking: Making food that is not that sweet like turkey, Chicken,Macaroni and cheese ,mashed pototes , home cooked meals and Vegetables.

Baking:  Making desserts, Making things that are usally sweet like cookies, frosting,cakes,pies or even muffins also brownies.

Fri Cooking: Making fried foods or fast foods are burgers, french fries or fried chicken.

Candy Making:  Making sweets stuff simliar to baking but is not baked goods in a way like gummy candy, choclate, coanut candies. 

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