Monday, November 12, 2018

Diabetes and Side Effects with Medicines

Diabetes is not a Good thing. People will not be able to eat sugar every again some medicines can make people have Diabetes or Side effects.

In the Future doctors can make healthy medicine That will give no body Diabetes or any side effect.

Hopefully the medicine will be Side effect free. Doctor have to cut off peoples arms because their arms and legs are damage.

 Maybe in the future instead of Doctors cutting peoples legs off and arms off they will have a special body camera so they can see if the person vines are damage or not. And the doctor can give the person healthy Medicine so the vines will not be damaged any more.

Diabetes can make any body lose their eye sight and They should wear special glasses so they can see or maybe in the future doctor will make a Carrot Medicine and People will get their Eye sight back. I said Carrot machine because Carrots are good for you eyes.

Depression medicine can also give people side effects and Diabetes Maybe their should be a Depression medicine that is very healthy and will not give any body Diabetes or side effects.

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