Friday, October 19, 2018

Going to space

Well I heard people are not allowed to bring Earth food on the Rocket ship going to space because theirs is no Gravity in space and The food will float away.

That is why people eat the Package space food on the space ship.

Maybe in the future people can bring Earth food on the space ship because people will put healthy chemicals on the Earth food so the food can not float away even if people are in space.

In the future maybe after people use the bathroom in the rocket ship the wire will be attach to the rocket ship and after when people flush the rocket ship toilet the stuff will go down the wire and the wire will send the number 1 or 2 into toilets or dumpsters.

One time at my old school I tried the space Ice cream it does not taste like the ice cream on Earth it was in a package. Maybe there should be a way that space Ice Cream will taste just the same as Earth Ice Cream.

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