Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Well people use Deodorant to smell good. But Some Deodorant can give people cancer because of the chemicals they put in the Deodorant.

I had health class yesterday and I never heard Deodorant will give any body cancer until what I heard yesterday.

My health teacher Said " There Natural Deodorants but they to now work as good as the Deodorant with all the chemicals in it. Maybe scientist should make Natural and Healthy Deodorant to work better then the un healthy Deodorant.

In the future healthy Deodorant will not give no body cancer and make any body under arms smell very good at the same time.

Deodorant I did not know how to pronounce the word before but now I know how to pronounce the word better when I did when I was younger. I said deodorant in an accent from a different country.

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