Thursday, October 25, 2018

Download art stuff on you computer desktop and Install the software

Like My father showed me how to download for free. But when I was on another website but it had on it.

 You do not know what to download because those people trick us for example we thought the first download button was going to download

But that Download button is if you click on that button they want you to download an ad instead of They try to trick people and those people should get in trouble by the government for doing that.

So people do not know which button is to download they have to read to find which is the right button to download Paint.Net. Maybe in the future people on the website will not trick people any more and people will know which is the correct button to download or and art software and people will not have to read which is the right button to download

If or any art software is Installed to you computer in the future it will take 1 second to install the art software to any bodies computer desktop because peoples computers will be more advanced in the future.

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